
What's Coming & What's Going

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Posts: 26 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
These things are really great, Jagex!

I have been playing RuneScape for so many years and I can honest say that EoC is really AWESOME. Thank you for being awesome Jagex, thank you so much! :D

24-Jan-2013 12:39:27 - Last edited on 24-Jan-2013 12:40:19 by [#88BLA8M6G]

Levi RS

Levi RS

Posts: 519 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
What we wana see:

For the forums a qoute notification system:
like everyother forum has where if someone replys to you get a nofications next time you refesh so you can see it and reply back if need, c'mon lets be serious who has time to go read through pages and pages of topics they posted on incase someone replied with @name...

EoC improvements:
If your not gona remove it that is. Currently in p2p the abilitys hit way too much and thier is too many of them its just too much button mashing doing this for too long is bad for your health the abilitys them selves are too OP its all based around 1v1 you didnt think about multi combat wars what so ever the refreshing time on abilitys needs to be longer cool downs comined with lower hits/less abilitys would help also need TO REMOVE TOGGLE MULTI this benfits no one and has completly killed off ALL P2P multi pking clans

Mod mark:
Just remove him from his position serious he is complely out of touch with the real PK community he listens to skillers/pvmers that pk once a month or just heard stuff from thier friend, everytime he talks about a "great" update i cringe and think seriosly wtf is going through his head does he even play the same game as me?? idk what game he plays in his spare time but stick to that instead of making runescape into it.

Needs more resources or just reason to even go there this should be a place of richs for those brave enough to go in and get it since its ment to be very dangerous in the firs* place atm i could run laps in the wilderness with my bank and no food and wont die as there is NO ONE TO KILL ME.

24-Jan-2013 12:40:23



Posts: 357 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Completely agree with that Iblackenese. When I saw the video about Mod Mark talking about the cruicible update at runefest I was cringing. It is not what actual PK'ers wanted, infact it was so far from what we wanted.

MMG, if and when you decide to take PK'ers views into account remember that it's the views of those who PK EVERY DAY that will ensure the update is successful.
I know you don't want to look back, but in all honesty, the actual PK'ing mechanics that existed in 2006 were as close to PERFECT as could be.
Sometimes you have to take two steps back to take one forward and firmly believe this is the case when it comes to PK'ing.

24-Jan-2013 12:49:44

Thee Ace
Apr Member 2006

Thee Ace

Posts: 3,872 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If all players could agree on 1 main thing ...I think it would be ....

Fix what is broken before any new content is released.

This is a list of course , but it is seemingly wanted through out the whole community.

Fixes all have been listed on many different forums and also in this forum thread.
*just to list main ones*

Instant Gambling has no place in the game.....if you want high risk then play the game.

Bots-rwt relation to start with is a major one....look at whom is supporting the Rwt sites and allowing them to continue to make money...The focus on detection is a key also to this matter.

Eoc balance.....Most of us know it was put into live game before it was truly ready only because players were not even trying to give it a chance and were not giving the staff enough true feed back on the content. The players basically did make it into Live game a lot sooner by not trying to give good detailed feed back in Beta or trying it in Beta at all.

3 main aspects that would help bring faith back to Jagex and to the staff. From what I have seen at this point in time , Jagex has only the smoke left from the Hot flames this game use to be at before certain changes. That smoke is only us truly loyal players trying to bring more heat to the coals which still burn bright. A new spark in faith by correcting the issues at hand would surly bring in more fuel for the once hot flames, know as the players supporting the new found respect for taking action on the issues at hand.

Players will return and with fixes advertisement for the game would go back to word of mouth like it almost has always been, but with an added advertisement(s) bringing players into a nicely balanced game it would hit the record amount it once had.

Final note, fix current issues and bring in new content only when the community as it is now can come to a common agreement that it is "good"

Thee Ace

24-Jan-2013 12:52:52 - Last edited on 24-Jan-2013 12:53:24 by Thee Ace

Thee Ace
Apr Member 2006

Thee Ace

Posts: 3,872 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
On a side note....

Slow down new content in general.

I miss having a 1 time a month major update that made me waiting in excitement for the day it was announced.

Now it seems like 3 times a month many of us are thinking
" oh great ...what are they adding this time "

I would rather see fixes 3 times a month then new content hitting the game.

24-Jan-2013 13:05:13

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24-Jan-2013 13:10:12



Posts: 89 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

They've already said during one of their livestreams that they don't want to look back to the past, they want the game to evolve further and they love how the game has evolved to this date. They've also said that they will not be making a 2006 server mainly because they don't want to split the community into 2 differenet parts, they want all players to play the same game.

24-Jan-2013 13:16:20



Posts: 181 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
When I first started RS, it was made clear that anyone with "no-one with a little extra cash in their pocket in real life will be able to 'buy their way' through the game". Since the management of the game has changed a lot, this ethos has been sidelined in order to maintain growth. Although I am in support of you gaining money though SGS, as these animations mostly don't help in game, I am not sure as I am in support of SoF. The rewards gained from the latter CAN help in game, and one with a large amount of money to burn could just buy lots of spins.

This ethos is why gold farming and buying gold online has always been against game rules, BUT these micro-payments are essentially the same - Real World money, for an advantage in game.

24-Jan-2013 13:23:46

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