@starving abo
1. EoC was one of the best updates that have happened to RuneScape. It brought a completely fresh combat system which was needed in the game, because with the old combat system, Jagex could not add or make any new changes to it, add new things to it and the system would of been the same for years to come, they had to make such a change, now they can make hundreds of new attachments to current system, and make it better, rememeber, this is just the start of the new system, they wil be adding various changed to it.
2. SoF and SGS were made for Jagex to get an income from players which would help them develop the game for years to come, during their livestream on YouTube (if you haven't watched it I recommend you go and watch it) they've dedicated that livestream talking purely about SoF and SGS, and they've said that with the money that they've gained from these mico payments, they are able to develop big things on RuneScape, and one of them is coming this year - RS3. I know that most of us, players, don't like these micro payment additions, but they are needed for the game to develop, Mark mentioned that if these 2 updates would of not been brought into the game and would of not brought them the money to evolve the game so much, the game would off been gone by this day.
24-Jan-2013 13:25:47