
What's Coming & What's Going

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Posts: 22 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This might have been said already, I didn't read all the posts, sorry about that
I've been playing RS for a really long time and, despite a few moves that I personally thought were b.s. (SgS and SoF, for example) I realised those were a way of making money and I was pretty content with the state of the game. Sure, not ideal, but alright.

Now, I must say that I quit runescape because of the EoC. I'll explain why:
While many things about rs changed, the combat remained more-or-less the same. I played runescape for all these years because I didn't like 'real' MMORPG games like WoW, Shaiya, Perfect World, blah blah blah you name it. Runescape simply felt different from all these MMOs and to me it was a really pleasant game. However it deeply saddened me when I saw that RS has, with the EoC, tried to be a 'legit' MMO by adding these ability thingies *hat you can find in EVERY MMO game. My question is 'WHY?'
Why would you change the combat system that was simply unique. Sure, it was not really epic but I loved it and by saying this I think I speak in the name of the community. I loved the old combat. It felt different from all those stupid MMOs. Now RS has changed even that. There is no runescape for me anymore. This is a completely different game from what I played back in the day. Completely different from the game I loved.
This is now Rune of Warcraft.
For those of you who like it so, good luck and have fun.
Me? I'm out.

See you, space cowboys...

31-Jan-2013 18:39:58

Capt Howdy

Capt Howdy

Posts: 28 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
probably the last post ill make because i knwo jagex will never see what i say because they lie about better contact with us....

change how the prayers work.... the prayers suck, while fighting bosses or strong monsters you cant even notice the difference on whether or not you have protection prayers on or off and turmoil and its equals are almost un-noticable as well.

plain and simple.....combat system......ruined.

8 years of my life crushed with one little update called the eoc. goodbye.

31-Jan-2013 19:03:09



Posts: 1,410 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Jan 2013
31-Jan-2013 18:36:31
I would also like to add that you went out of your way to stop a 2006 Runescape private server, yet you continue to let websites that sell gp to exist.

2006Runescape was in competitions for players/profits, goldfarmers are players/profits. Now I am not trying to say that goldfarmers are true players, they only play to gather, they gather to sell, they sell to fatten their wallets, take away the profit and goldfarmers vanish=not real players.

2006scape however pulls Jagex's player base (or so they think). What Jagex doesn't realize is many of those players wouldn't play Rune$cape in it's current form with or without 2006scape.

Goldfarmer bots are paying members of the Rune$cape community, Jagex loves paying members. Goldfarmer bots also make a certain portion of the Rune$cape player base happy, primarily the same portion of the player base that buys spins on SoF.

Jagex has no incentive to remove goldfarmers hence the reason they drag their heels in doing so but are so quick to jump on getting rid of private servers.

I hope that helps answer your question, though I suspect your question was more rhetorical in nature.

31-Jan-2013 19:47:46

JAelly Bean

JAelly Bean

Posts: 1,846 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have lost a huge base of our clan due to EOC - . Change is usually not well accepted or is scarey for alot of people. Maybe bring servers back with the old version so you dont force your changes. Give gamers option..when change is too extreme.

31-Jan-2013 21:35:33 - Last edited on 01-Feb-2013 17:46:28 by JAelly Bean

why 1def tho

why 1def tho

Posts: 24 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
They did say, that you don't realise how...

"Special something is, until it's gone,"

This sums up the combat system. The unique, the fun, the complained about (with any system) and the epic. No other game has a combat system like RuneScape's old one. It was unique, so many played because of it. So I ask you why, why the "remove the interfaces" and then add 10 more, why make the game eat your attention, why make a game people loved for simplicity and that you can choose between paying attention to combat or just "S/AFKing? Ask yourself JaGeX. What have we done? The players quit in their masses so get of -excuse me- your arrogant backsides and save the damn game we all loved. Yes, LOVED. Or, you may disappoint once more and ignore our pleas for the re-introcution of the OLD COMBAT. You go to so much effort to shut down 2006Scape... Why? It was a threat, but does it not tell you anything - it's all we had left of old RS. Sure, the game will die sometime - the EoC will have to be released. It was NOT READY, and had NO PLACE in RUNESCAPE (2)! Dump it in RuneScape 3 and I would probably enjoy the EoC. But it is not meant for RS 2.

GET RID OF THE EOC. I really hope this means something to you, if you are living up to "better communication" as this thread should be top-priority.

So in short, whatever it takes - however different xp gains are, however messed up the economy will get, however many new weapons/ old weapons - we need the old system.

I will close with one thought...

I watched chrisarchiers's "Return of the old RS",

and my heart jumped. Without it RuneScape is nothing. Without it RuneScape dies. Without it, what is RuneScape?

Save it.

1337 Xp Rise/ Elite Magics
Pure / Main

31-Jan-2013 21:37:01

N  R  V

N  R  V

Posts: 1,367 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
when you updated EOC you should have considered an approach step by step.

you just put a big update with too many changes for the average player, it was rushed. You find yourself now fixing your mistakes, going in details, tweaks after tweaks.

I frankly hope you will be capable to solve your upcoming difficulties and attract even more players from different horizons.

Best of luck.


31-Jan-2013 23:00:06

Capt Howdy

Capt Howdy

Posts: 28 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

oh i know exactly what you mean haha were one in a few hundred thousand lets hope our word makes a difference in the long run, unfortunately on the forums we know that mmg will never acknowledge us nor see our comments.

31-Jan-2013 23:38:04

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