They did say, that you don't realise how...
"Special something is, until it's gone,"
This sums up the combat system. The unique, the fun, the complained about (with any system) and the epic. No other game has a combat system like RuneScape's old one. It was unique, so many played because of it. So I ask you why, why the "remove the interfaces" and then add 10 more, why make the game eat your attention, why make a game people loved for simplicity and that you can choose between paying attention to combat or just "S/AFKing? Ask yourself JaGeX. What have we done? The players quit in their masses so get of -excuse me- your arrogant backsides and save the damn game we all loved. Yes, LOVED. Or, you may disappoint once more and ignore our pleas for the re-introcution of the OLD COMBAT. You go to so much effort to shut down 2006Scape... Why? It was a threat, but does it not tell you anything - it's all we had left of old RS. Sure, the game will die sometime - the EoC will have to be released. It was NOT READY, and had NO PLACE in RUNESCAPE (2)! Dump it in RuneScape 3 and I would probably enjoy the EoC. But it is not meant for RS 2.
GET RID OF THE EOC. I really hope this means something to you, if you are living up to "better communication" as this thread should be top-priority.
So in short, whatever it takes - however different xp gains are, however messed up the economy will get, however many new weapons/ old weapons - we need the old system.
I will close with one thought...
I watched chrisarchiers's "Return of the old RS",
and my heart jumped. Without it RuneScape is nothing. Without it RuneScape dies. Without it, what is RuneScape?
Save it.
1337 Xp Rise/ Elite Magics
Pure / Main
31-Jan-2013 21:37:01