kirstari said,
"Runescape is not dying. Runescape is still thriving. The complaints about bots do *** go unheard as most people think. Just as Mod MMG stated, there are considerably less bots in games compared to a year a go. The anti-bot measures are working. It wont happen over night. But its working. I have played this game ever since i was a kid, I'm 18 now and I still come back to this game. I continue to be amazed at how the game is evolving and improving. I can not wait for the new HTML5 Runescape to come out. SO excited!"
ok, explain 60k of players with atleast 25% of 60k players botting. hmm.. thriving? you're actually looking at 45k of players "actually playing". On a side note, Runescape was a game that anyone could play, even 7 year olds. Everyone knew how to fight and quest and things like that, and players who became advanced mastered everything, hybriding, etc. Why evolve the game when the simplicity of the game is what made everyone love this game.
24-Jan-2013 08:20:02