
What's Coming & What's Going

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Posts: 9,048 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Tyria Mine -

"The removal of wildy and ft was in '07.
MMG became CEO in '09
Andrew sold out in December '10

Now, this is nothing more than personal perspective here but, I believe (I 'still' believe) the removal of wildy and ft was for the good of the game."

Arguably you can say the removal of wilderness and free trade was for the good of the game. Personally I have mixed feelings on this issue.

Nobody I know hasn't proved anything about Andrew selling out. For all I know, maybe he felt he needed to move on. If he did sell out, then he pretty much hurt his own company he created.

"MMG's 'new to CEO' statement was pretty words.. intended to calm the masses and appease the broken hearted. It soon became evident that it was empty promises and nothing more than the lies they began telling even before he became CEO. The point here is that he lied from DAY ONE. That much, hasn't changed."

He pretty much fed the masses a bunch of lies. I didn't truly care for Mark Gerhard when I was still playing this game. But after reading his crap over the past two years pretty much confirmed to me that Runescape was going downhill. I don't like him one bit now. He's an embarrassment in the live-stream videos.

It ain't going to be easy to find a new CEO who is actually truthful and caring. A lot of CEOs these days think they can get away with lying every now and then because they feel they're actually getting somewhere by doing so.

When ownership changes the attitude changes. More often than not this happens.

Can't say anything more at the moment.

31-Jan-2013 04:48:08



Posts: 38,575 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Oh, that. No not really.

The fact that we don't have a clue as to what parts of his latest pep-talk are genuine, that's uhhhhh not good.

On top of that, I don't know if you remember that whole incident involving vipes maybe a year or two ago but he just seemed immature during that, going so far as to (temporarily, until it was reversed) perm ban someone voicing dissent. Like omylawd

31-Jan-2013 04:51:50



Posts: 15,772 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

I won't ever forget his condescending remarks to her and about her (I doubt anyone will). And perhaps that plays into the current "outlook".

He's been disrespectful and even outright rude to players in the past (a discussion for another time/venue, but certainly a component of "who" he has been in the public eye).

He has repeatedly lied to the community. The entire player base. The customers.

He has been "head" of this company while they killed off (imo) THE best game there ever WAS. He has overseen "all of it".

He IS the face of this company.. whether they like it or not.. and that has to be a PR nightmare presently. He personifies much of what the long standing members of this community abhor.

I don't believe there is any "chance" for the future of this company (or any of their games), without some massive changes.. only one of which would be to see him step down.

Alternatively.. he could be "true to his word" (Imo pigs will fly first). He could show respect and honesty and integrity, as values jagex as a company hold in high regard (again.. a snowball has a better chance surviving the depths of hell, imo). He's too arrogant to do either.. again.. my own personal opinion.


He DID sell out.. that's how IVP ended up going from 35% in '05 to 55% in 2010. It was to "move on". He's working on "Fen Research" now..

Andrew wasn't the "be all, end all" of the gaming world.. but he certainly displayed honesty and integrity and honour.. something MMG will never have.
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.

31-Jan-2013 05:10:08



Posts: 243 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
There is going to be serious competition between the two. You may ask they're made by the same company how could this be a bad thing. This goes back to making current jagex seem like a joke. How could a static game compete with a game that has millions of dollars poured into each year?

the whole reason jagex doesn't want to bring back previous version of their game is because they fear the consequences of having the old game overshadow the new game.

The company and game developers mostly mark would be a laughing stock. Jagex is just trying to play it safe here.

I can very realistically see this happening. At this moment the numbers of players online peak at 95k. Current players of "new" rs discontent with the game, and old players who've quit a long time ago would play this. Once enough players move over the bots will go there as well. Since bots are at least 60-70% of the online population (stated by MMG at runefest) this will hit hard.

Once this happens the company won't know which direction to go. When 2006 servers become more populated than current RS they might just abandon ship and move developers over. Resulting in the same thing in a number of years.

2006 servers might sound simple, but it's an enormous gamble. I'm sure jagex already knows the demand for it and how much people are willing to pay.

It isn't something that can be compared to classic; old runescape is different enough to be considered a different game. Plus a petition has show to have 30k actual supporters in 3 days alone. In addition these old servers would generate revenue.

31-Jan-2013 10:41:33

Mar Member 2003


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I only play on and off now days and thinking of giving up.

Why - its boring for a almost maxed solo player.

I do not do bosses because all my friends quit.

I used to keep occupied with slayer until i no longer got any exp from the tasks and rare drops are too far apart. No clues for months and then the reward is rubbish.

I have not had one of the skill urn drops for a year, they are now too rare.

I used to like using magic to get exp .. whats up with no death or blood runes for spells and anything i cast hits 1 in 10 and very low.

Game has gone to hell, i am truely bored.

Some good thing were in eoc, but the combat exp and magic exp is very very bad.

A genuine thumbs down from me.

31-Jan-2013 11:42:29 - Last edited on 31-Jan-2013 11:44:04 by Kk1960

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31-Jan-2013 13:46:42

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