The game can't "recover" at this point. It's simply too late. RuneScape.. is dead.. RS3 is the game you see before you today. Is it a "bad" game? I don't honestly know yet.
I think MMG should most certainly step down. It is but a small ray of hope that the company which owns this game, has a chance at a prosperous future.
The community they have now.. they spent YEARS working to obtain. Little by little, they insisted upon.. what they actually got. Over the years, they ensured the old timers would go.. to make room for the new breed.. they didn't just ask for this new community.. they insisted upon it.
This isn't the same game.. and it never can be again (with or without MMG). It's time to mourn the loss of one of, if not THE, best games of the MMO age.
But make no mistake.. the loss is forever. The damage done to the RuneScape we all knew and loved.. is done. It can't be undone.. and that, has nothing to do with eoc.
They have, repeatedly, over the years.. implemented major changes quite poorly. Each step of the way they had the opportunity to do it right, and chose not to. I don't see that changing.
While the player base is most concerned for the game they've lost (being adamantly opposed to even trying this new game), the company is in need of being more concerned over keeping the company going.. without it.. there will be no type of RS at all.
Can they survive this?
That depends on how they go about it.. my guess is no, they can't. Not because it isn't possible.. but because they refuse to see "how" to go about it properly.
Seriously though, you guys need to mourn the loss.. and then see if you have interest in playing this new game that this "new" jagex had made.
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.
31-Jan-2013 01:30:20