
What's Coming & What's Going

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Posts: 15,772 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
From page 17 (I believe):

"You are more than welcome, I believe the HTML 5 beta will be rather soon, I don’t have the exact dates to hand but I think it’s in the next month or two from memory, I know the engine team are working super hard to get it “live” by April but I’m kinda working back a little from that date for the beta."

Intriguing that this beta on HTML5 would be looking like it will be around the same time you've stated as a 'fest being likely..

Are you really ready for the fallout, when you offer "priority" on the beta to those attendees who have NOT bought the gold membership packages by the end of this month and those of us that HAVE purchased the gold membership are going to be expected to be 2nd to the testing?

I WANT to believe the pretty words you've posted.. but I was here and saw the pretty posts back in 2009.. I also watched as every word was obliterated by actions.

A "sincere" apology is followed by actions that ensure you don't repeat mistakes you make (this is true of anyone).. many will be watching much more closely this time around.

I honestly have only ONE question at this point in time:

Are those of us who purchased the gold membership packages (and promised priority on betas) going to "have" priority on betas.. or will we be expected to wait until after RF attendees have tested it?
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.

24-Jan-2013 06:39:18



Posts: 59 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thank you so much for this. I feel that a lot of the players felt ignored and undermined by the lack of communication from the Jagex staff. I feel a lot of players were also annoyed about the Micro Payments (SOF & SGS), but it's now easy to see that these implementations are integral to the continuation of Runescape. True they can be annoying, especially to begin with when they were shoved in your face, but now they are less intrusive on players. I whole-heartedly approve of these implementation as they will help Runescape grow and progress for years to come.

I also feel that the amount of hate and flaming about the EOC on the forums is completely ridiculous. Yes it is a new thing but it was necessary for the game to evolve and adapt to today's games rather than a 12 year old combat mechanic. Yes the EOC was tricky and a little hard for some people to get used to but I personally think it was a welcome addition. Slayer tasks are so much more interactive and fun now. People need to get used to the fact that things change. Sometimes for worse and sometimes for the better. In this case, the better.

Runescape is not dying. Runescape is still thriving. The complaints about bots do not go unheard as most people think. Just as Mod MMG stated, there are ****iderably less bots in games compared to a year a go. The anti-bot measures are working. It wont happen over night. But its working. I have played this game ever since i was a kid, I'm 18 now and I still come back to this game. I continue to be amazed at how the game is evolving and improving. I can not wait for the new HTML5 Runescape to come out. SO excited!

So thats just my 2 cents. Thank you so much to all the people at Jagex for continuing to improve and make this game so enjoyable. Thank you :)

24-Jan-2013 06:47:56

1 Darkhelmet
Aug Member 2017

1 Darkhelmet

Posts: 104 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
we wont admit the eoc is a mistake so **** you all, deal with it or leave

hmmmm think lots will be leaving. if we wanted to play wow we would, it kicks the crap out of rs. we played rs because it was a different game, oh wait no its now just a cheap wow clone with worse graphics

24-Jan-2013 06:53:30



Posts: 301 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This was a very nice read and something to look forward to! I personally love EoC it was the perfect step in the direction for RuneScape, but one question... Is there a thought of implementing special attacks back into the game?

Suggestion: Each Spec Weapon has a Special Ultimate (DDS e.g.) will use 4 specials whenever you want, but you must have at least reached full adrenaline, and the cool down will be like 1 minute or so.

Other suggestions: Try to implement changes in GE so that prices cannot flux so badly.

Differentiate armor by rareness or difficulty to receive, e.g. Spirit Shields should have much better defence or different classes/effects to them. Barrows and Bandos should differ by damage/armor and gloves should add criticals to them e.g. "barrows gloves"

-Steeze Mofo

24-Jan-2013 06:57:14 - Last edited on 24-Jan-2013 07:00:04 by TranceFamily

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