This was a very nice read and something to look forward to! I personally love EoC it was the perfect step in the direction for RuneScape, but one question... Is there a thought of implementing special attacks back into the game?
Suggestion: Each Spec Weapon has a Special Ultimate (DDS e.g.) will use 4 specials whenever you want, but you must have at least reached full adrenaline, and the cool down will be like 1 minute or so.
Other suggestions: Try to implement changes in GE so that prices cannot flux so badly.
Differentiate armor by rareness or difficulty to receive, e.g. Spirit Shields should have much better defence or different classes/effects to them. Barrows and Bandos should differ by damage/armor and gloves should add criticals to them e.g. "barrows gloves"
-Steeze Mofo
24-Jan-2013 06:57:14
- Last edited on
24-Jan-2013 07:00:04