
What's Coming & What's Going

Quick find code: 294-295-157-64458186



Posts: 85 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ya know, with all 8 years I'd spent playing RuneScape, I was really excited for my little brother to be old enough to play it. And he was excited too.

But then updates like EoC and SOF happen, and it's suddenly not even worth it. The poor kid tells me that he can't even train on rock crabs anymore because they keep killing him! How sad is that?? Before the update, his level was in the 50's and he could train on them all day. Now he can barely survive killing just a few.

I tried going with him to train, and even I had to bring food! 81 Defence and I only got through about 30 crabs before my lobbies were gone. =/ That's a little on the pathetic side, Jagex.
Noobing it up since 2005
Clan: The LGBT Corner

27-Jan-2013 00:50:28



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sorry to be blunt, But you say that you have been listening to the runescape community, however if this is the case. why is EOC still in effect. have you not noticed the amount of people quitting this game due to it?..

I've quit since EOC hit, and occasionally return to see if jagex have gotten rid of it.
disappointingly they have not. Hence why myself and thousands of others would rather play private servers, with the old and runescape.

I will Most likely be banned for this statement, but it is only what every other runescape player is thinking.


27-Jan-2013 01:12:01

Kavorkian MD
Aug Member 2008

Kavorkian MD

Posts: 293 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mark...if you truly are listening then you have read the literally thousands of people hating the eoc....I will tell..while I did not like it that before your lates changes I could at least kill things...I cant even kill a clue scroll agent with divine sheild and korasi sword, full gando..had to eat sharks to kill him...should a lvl 200 with over 2400 lvls have that much trouble??? totally screwed up the EOC with your latest nerf of abilities to kill and defend as a player...I hope your NPC's are enjoying themselves...shame they don't pay you do not need to hear from us going forward..look at the blogs since december...then actually do something...that would be a great start to 2013

27-Jan-2013 01:16:49

J 0 S H UA

J 0 S H UA

Posts: 29 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well....obviously Jagex isn't planning on doing anything soon. All the keep doing is reading this, deleting some peoples posts, and yet not putting up any replies. If EOC stays in affect, my account will be no longer paying in 1 month. I have already cancelled the auto-renew.
Hell, maybe I can make some real money and sell it?
EOC, SOF, SGS, and free trade killed the RS economy. I have never had more than 100mil coin, but my bank was always very rich with items. Just saying Jagex, it is your call. I know several veterans with max or completionist capes that have left the game becuase of this crap. Your call, but the clock is ticking for me.
I invite you Jagex mods to actually post an answer to this post. Not just delete it or pass it by. There hasn't been a mod post on this forum for quite some time.

If this is "our year"....let us know what your thinking.

27-Jan-2013 01:22:11



Posts: 118 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Literally laughing at people for complaining about EoC. It's still a work in progress, if you hadn't noticed yet. Things get buffed/nerfed like every week to meet the standards they want in the game without making it too easy/near impossible. EoC is seriously one of the best things this game has done. Maybe not pvp-wise because most of that is dead, but every other aspect of this game has been made that much greater. With old combat, you wouldn't be able to do Kalphite King or the Bring of Extinction quest boss because certain abilities are required. They're making the game more involved, not just click a monster, look away for 2 minutes, and come back to loot your kills. With that being said though, Jagex did in fact help people for afking more. They added momentum into the game. They have been listening to the players and want to make the game enjoyable. Complaining simply about EoC sucking isn't doing anything, considering they're actually still updating stuff, so just stop, seriously.

27-Jan-2013 01:24:35 - Last edited on 27-Jan-2013 01:29:28 by Zemrode



Posts: 64 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@He Belongs

completly agree with u...i do like eoc but all i want is to finish the damn quest lol is impossible cuz boe monster hit way too hard and take lil damage...and also hate how long it takes to do slayer now! all i want is them to fix this things as soon as possible, even if we have to stay 2 weeks without new contents

27-Jan-2013 01:30:22

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