Literally laughing at people for complaining about EoC. It's still a work in progress, if you hadn't noticed yet. Things get buffed/nerfed like every week to meet the standards they want in the game without making it too easy/near impossible. EoC is seriously one of the best things this game has done. Maybe not pvp-wise because most of that is dead, but every other aspect of this game has been made that much greater. With old combat, you wouldn't be able to do Kalphite King or the Bring of Extinction quest boss because certain abilities are required. They're making the game more involved, not just click a monster, look away for 2 minutes, and come back to loot your kills. With that being said though, Jagex did in fact help people for afking more. They added momentum into the game. They have been listening to the players and want to make the game enjoyable. Complaining simply about EoC sucking isn't doing anything, considering they're actually still updating stuff, so just stop, seriously.
27-Jan-2013 01:24:35
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27-Jan-2013 01:29:28