I've been playing since 2002.
I would like to clarify some things I've read.
1. There are more bots per person online now than at almost any other point in RS history.
Players claiming that numbers dropped due to EOC are very short sighted, and I wonder if they even played RS.
Bots (after 3 days) not only came back to full, but exceeded previous numbers and took over MORE spots around the game, slightly more dynamic bots started taking over everything I tried to do.
Don't lie.
Also There was 220k near minimum players just prior to EOC release.
3 weeks after down to 90k (with the increase of bots)
Now greedy moves trying to abuse gambling habits in young children and RWT exploration by RS has driven it into the ground. There are less and less players playing.
Just because RS Says they won't do anything about EOC, doesn't mean that as they've tried to shove other things down our throats over the years... but after their pockets hurt enough they desperately scrambled to put it back.
Infact the number of players returning to RS was based on one of these attempts... before they got smacked in the face with a wanna be WoW game that changed RS from a diverse game into a button masher mock up of the more common MMMORPGs.
If you don't know this, you're ignorant.. stop bashing and falsifying things.. go out and check for yourself.
I returned to check if EOC was back, seeing this propaganda and biased selection of feed back... I can tell that it isn't.
Email me when the real RS is back, and you've learned your lesson. I'll try it out again and see if you can revive the old runescape that was full of mystery, battling, epic adventures, quiet places to skill and a mostly friendly community.
This Auto type, gold flip, gamble, bot game is really just dirty. Some stay clean,,, but I feel for their loneliness in this game.
Ps, gambling laws are in place because it isn't a good thing... the thrill has been noted as a problem by educated societies, since before your birth
27-Jan-2013 07:30:16