Mr Gerhard,
Thanks for taking the time to express your thoughts and present some of the Jagex business strategy to us. An explanation of the reasons behind the micro payments is welcomed.
It is true that 2012 saw more new game content and improvements to existing content than I can remember and, to be fair, most of it was great, (bring back Prince Ali Rescue, it's replacement is lame).
As for EoC well, nobody can deny that it was a bold move. At first I was very skeptical, but it is growing on me. In my opinion, a few UI changes could change it from tolerable to a genuine improvement, more advantage from hard-earned skills and equipment (fire cape, tokhaar-kal, etc) compared with tradeable stuff would make it better and a re-rebalancing would make it great (there are twice as many melee skills as range & mage, so twice as many opponents vulnerable to melee please?)
If the new conent for 2013 is as good as that of 2012 then it will be enjoyed by this player, at least. But yeah, no more extended events or Death-touched Darts please?
27-Jan-2013 09:33:17