ok, as a member I would like to see more f2p and p2p money making ways.
(my main is members and forum baned since the free trade riot)
Something besides relieving on slayer, bossing, and kill the ****ing gamblers.
Make skilling a major money maker again. mining, cooking, smithing, woodcutting all need a revamp!
I know when i was f2p I had to grind majority of my time playing just for a good set of armor, I don't gamble or anything, skilling is all I have.
Look up my main "nyankip" and see my stats.
ever since i started playing I've had to grind for everything, all i do when I have members is train f2p stas cause I know when my membership ends the member stats are worthless.
27-Jan-2013 10:10:45
- Last edited on
27-Jan-2013 10:13:27