Hi, you wanted to hear what we want in and for the game, well here is my personal response to that.
Community Involvement
This is great you are hitting us players here that read the forums... what you need to do is encourage those playing in-game to read the forums. I know for the first three years of my playung the game I never looked at forums for two reasons. One, I just wanted to play the game, and secondly, I didn't understand the forums or what they meant.
You need to integrate the game and forums.
Bots & Gold Farmers
I recently opened my Private chat and found a number of old friends I'de lost along the way. I aslo encountered countless numbers of gold farmers, which I report every time.
You need to concentrate your efforts on removing bots and farmers as priority to increase the fun of the game for all.
What you should have done instead of introducing SoF was made the rewards for random events more exciting and useful. Yes, I'm happy with my two "lucky dip" spins a day but there is no way I'm buying more.
As for SGS.... I have no desire to even go there since my initial look. What a complete waste (yes its my opinion and I know others love it).
Ease up on them, I know last year was busy for the UK with Olympics, Queens Jubilee etc but please, stop bombarding us every few weeks with a new feature.
Tried this on Beta and hated it! Did the training again when it came to game, still didn't like it. I've just about got my head round the fact I need to use "abilities" in order to kill something. Now the only killing I do is for slayer, and dailys like Vine & Bork.
I think it was assumed so many had played other games with a similar format that we could all adapt so quickly. Better explaining should be put into the EoC training feature in-game. It rushes through so fast and doesn't give a full account of how to use all parts.
24-Jan-2013 09:53:19