I'm not entirely sure what to think of this news post, to be perfectly honest.
On one hand I am dearly grateful that you have come forward to communicate with the players and address some of the biggest issues we have with the current game. This is a huge step in the right direction, and I applaud and thank you for having the courage to do so.
On the other hand, I feel like this was yet another coy, unclear, cleverly worded news post released on behalf of the company in order to calm down some of the rage and anger amongst the community. Reading through it, it doesn't really sound like you guys fully admit to the many mistakes you have made over the past few years and some of the horrible decisions you have made - an apology would have been great. It doesn't sound like you really outline a clear plan for the future either, and what you guys are going to do to ensure the communication lines between the community & yourselves remain open, and to ensure players are actively involved in the BIG DECISIONS before they happen.
Just another side note - by active involvement, I mean actual involvement. Having in a say in the final product or final decision, not running a BETA for months at a time, receiving 70%+ negative feedback, and releasing it anyway.
Anyways, just had to get that off my chest. Good effort though, I really hope that this time you guys mean it. Here's to hoping 2013 is a better year.
23-Jan-2013 17:46:27