
What's Coming & What's Going

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Posts: 5,558 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Pleased to hear there'll be focus on goldfarmers and RWT.

Does that mean there'll be visible action taken against people who buy gold?

With all the botting, goldfarming, and RWTing that's been going on over the years, the amount of illicitly-gained gp on player's accounts must be astounding. How many 99s have been bought with that purchased gold, how many high-value armour sets? It's one of the reasons I lost faith in the integrity of the high scores years ago - too many players on it have bought skills with gold they purchased on the internet.

I've seen several announcements over the years about different types of rule-breaking activity that have been targetted and how many cheats were banned, but I've never seen one that talked about the BUYERS of that cheated gold.

It's no wonder some players think they can get away with buying gold. I think it's time Jagex publicly dealt with those cheats who buy gold. When you deal with them, we need a big announcement, give the topic high visibility. Let everyone know you are catching the goldbuyers, that it is a risky activity.

If cheating players know there's a risk of losing their main account when they buy gold, they're going to think twice before doing so. To tackle the goldfarmer problem you need to work at both ends of the issue, the supply (bots) and the demand (the cheats who buy).
Are you going to Taverley Fair,
Ranarr, Guam, Marrentill, and Kwuarm,
Remember me to one who lives there ...

24-Jan-2013 00:14:22 - Last edited on 24-Jan-2013 00:14:57 by Marita

Grant 919
Oct Member 2020

Grant 919

Posts: 1,185 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
well if this is my year i want gambling banned or a trade cap per day ie 50m per day etc. these ppl doing 500mil-1bil+ trust bets is crazy and all those hosts do is rwt to earn a living.
I want the next elf quest to come out :)
I want jagex to fix the items that got left behind in eoc. My Divine is worth nothing and it is a piece of ****. nice way to lose 450m guys i love it.
Less solomon store releases, its all i see when i log in everyday and i dont care, i havent bought runecoins and i wont. Ive played this game for 9 years and im happy enough paying for my membership, asking for more is just being cheeky. I want a treadmil to train agility after you wrecked my rc cape achieved at 28k xp per hour and 16m xp by releasing runespan for every1 else that didnt want to be patient and work for it. And just less bs all round would be great, learn to actually chat with players and LISTEN to what they have to say. All the best for 2013 and I hope the 2 skills released are going to be very good for everyone :D GAME ON this has been a waste of xp writing this, back to it :P

24-Jan-2013 00:16:24



Posts: 61 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
rex micro transactions are an extremely sneaky way of getting money. kids will see this and will ask their parents to buy it and for wat? to earn a bit of exp on a game. u are seriously telling me that it worth spending tens of dollars to buy exp when u can quite easily make that up in the game? and what about advertising? they could bring in players via that way. you state that the game is mostly made up of 16 year olds or below who are immature - u complete numbskull these are the people they are targetting. jagex are not targetting older players who are smart enough to know not to buy spins or to join premier clubs when they already have memberships. young kids are going to join premier clubs and pay the money for it because they feel like they are joining an exclusive club when there not actual benefits of it apart from the fact it has other immature kids. you talk about business yet you know nothing about it.
in terms of gamling jagex are in fact contradicting themselves when they say they will deal with the problem. one they are trying to legitmise gambling as i have already said and also arent spins a form of gamling. sometimes you need to look for things rex and not see things through ur own eyes

24-Jan-2013 00:20:00

May Member 2006


Posts: 3,013 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well in a nut shell that has basically made all my complaints about RuneScape go away.

My rants thread on promotions and offering possible suggestions on how to over come it may be useful to a JMOD is they havn't looked ta it already. If not WEEKLY messages will be good :) There are plenty of suggestions on there. Promoting has been reduced slightly, but its almost there.

Bots - Its good to see that botany bay hasn't reached its full capacity, but please inform us before you allow 50,000 rant threads created about this. I hope it gets implemented soon rather than later. :)

Lag - Good, its nice to see some big anti lag measures.

XP Lamps as much as im happy to get 1mill slayer xp from it, it was a lil to much and glad you noticed that.

EOC - I love the EOC but based on opinion polls please note this. If a player likes something or is undecided it doesn't mean 80% liked it.20% liked it and it wasn't ready to be released. Its brilliant now except minor issues IM ACTURLY TRAINING COMBAT NOW !!!!

Thats my feedback :)

Now a suggestion - It would be nice to open a small server to allow rs 2008 to be played as most people are requesting this. Now for one minute I don't belive that you wouldn't back it up n not classic. That's like developing websites and not having a portfolio.

24-Jan-2013 00:23:59 - Last edited on 24-Jan-2013 00:25:38 by Flashaway

BCN Mark
Sep Member 2016

BCN Mark

Posts: 3,082 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"@ Going4Quests
Q) Hey Mod MMG, Are there any plans on Funorb?
A) I do have longer terms plans for a revitalisation of the service, refresh of the games, new games as well as extension to mobile games but the reality is the earliest we could do this would be in 2014 as this year is about laser focus on RuneScape."

Well this is great news :D
In the meantime are there any short term plas for FunOrb ? e.g. Fixing the Arcanist hacks, fixing the chat between RS, name hacks etc.

And is there anything you can say about why all the CC's (Community Champions) lost there powers for no reason ?



24-Jan-2013 00:24:15

Phrin Shade

Phrin Shade

Posts: 302 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I don't think you understand how happy this post has made me. I'm SO glad to hear that you guys are actually looking at us (the community), even when it feels like we've been alienated. I look forward to this year, and I can't wait for the new skills.

Also, this: "Well in a nut shell that has basically made all my complaints about RuneScape go away." basically sums up my own views on RS now. I'm actually considering getting my membership back.

24-Jan-2013 00:24:23 - Last edited on 24-Jan-2013 00:26:21 by Phrin Shade

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