Hi mod Drebin. Hope you'll read this comment.
Will you add more "spec attacks" to previous spec attack weapons? Some weapons badly need it. The price of dragon claw are dropping like hell now. I ask for this cause i'd like to see weapons more different like in the old combat system. There, nearly every single weapon and armour had different stats in any way. Then an equipment will suit for different situations, more spesific than now. There was often some equipment pieces with a little more magic attack, ranged attack, magic defense, strength bonus and prayer bonus than others you had.
I'd like to see more "buffs" and effects on some equipments rather than every weapon on the same tier are equally good. If so you could have removed half of them and still there won't be any big difference. Different weapons makes it funnier to compose your outfit. The same to armour, for example lvl 70 armour are better on every single area than lvl 65 armour. Many players prefered bandos rather than barrows armour, even though barrows had better defensive stats.
Think about it. There are so many different combat situations out there, i've counted 19 ways (non-hybrid) where using prot prayers and void for ranged are counted. Examples:
Ranged --> Melee + void and prayer
Ranged --> Melee + void
Ranged --> Melee + prayer
Ranged --> Melee + safespot
Ranged --> Melee + void and safespot
Ranged --> Melee, regular
A lot of different ways, and a lot of different outfit combinations.
You see that even Royal D'hide armour had higher level req for ranged, Armadyl armour were still better in magic defense. Therefore I have around 60 different combat equipments, and there will always be a combat situation where exactly that weapon or armour piece is perfect for using. Like Ranged --> Melee + void and prayer. This one is tricky without elite void. Here you'll need 4 void pieces, decent prayer bonus, and of course a good ranged attack bonus. Regular void offers none of these.
21-Nov-2012 20:48:22