
EoC: Boss Fight Video

Quick find code: 294-295-139-64192560



Posts: 119 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

02-Jan-2013 14:35:07 Profile Highlight
just wanna ask this mod a question he wrote that we couldnt have eoc and normal runescape and do updates for both well i think that is a big fat lie because you guys where doing updates for both and using the runescape severs for eoc trial so to be honest i have quit i did try eoc and it failed so you cant say your speaking the truth i reckon you could run 5 eoc worlds for the eoc lovers and the rest of the worlds back to how they where cheers


That mod is a special person. Clearly he does not know much about technology.

Solution is simply. have preEOC worlds without updates.
See how many people play those worlds.
Then decide if EoC is worth having.
Give the CUSTOMERS the choice.


Instead of EoC, the developers would have been much better off fixing the botting issue. Then atleast it would have generated actual members and not cost Jagex Memberhsips.... Developers i would love for you to email me. You all should be sacked.... You clearly got fired from other companies for stupid ideas and found your way to Jagex.

06-Jan-2013 06:26:37

0 M E G A 1
Feb Member 2011

0 M E G A 1

Posts: 98 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Why haven't you given up yet like me? Jagex haven't cared about ALL of their paying customers for a long time, if you took bots out the equation you would see how much this game has died over the last few years, bring back 06 with separate un-updated servers and learn your lesson before its too late

08-Jan-2013 04:02:14

dronken neef

dronken neef

Posts: 153 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hello, I just had an interesting thought today. Why don't you guys make another server for runescape before the Evolution of Combat (EOC). Like have some worlds that are Pre-EOC and some that are not. You can make it Members Only, I don't care, but you'd get a lot of people back; not to mention your team will be getting more money. Why did your staff (knowing it would happen) basically throw away veteran players?
On another note, it seems like Jagex is becoming either:
A) Desparate for money
B)Money-hungry theives
Because of the addition of Squeal of Fortune and Solomon's General Store and the addition of Premium membership and the increase in price per month of regular membership. This does not look good for you, because if Option B is the case, Jagex will lose respect, and people will start quitting on a faster rate, more than they already have. If Option A were the case, then I think your team should at least consider going back to the "good-old-times." The times between 06-08. We didn't care about the bad graphics and the bad animations, and we also didn't really care for voice-addition into the game. We are a simple fan-base, we're easy to satisfy, but the problem is you and your team do not think it's good enough. Jagex wants to brag about their high-graphic browser games. Jagex is over-complicating things, yet they still don't listen.
THANK YOU TO WHOEVER HAS READ THIS. Please send my thoughts throughout the staff, but if the person who reads this doesn't, well then you have a nice life sir/ma'am. THIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE OFFENSIVE IN ANY WAY OR IN NO WAY MEANS TO CAUSE HARM. Look I've been playing this game for several years, seven to be exact this year makes it 8. My account was hacked (not this one) so I don't play much, but I have noticed a decline in the community here and on youtube, a major decline. You guys have WON AWARDS for your work BEFORE the EOC. You guys are KNOWN THROUGHOUT THE GLOBE. After the EOC release, those goals don't seem reachable. :|

12-Jan-2013 04:28:13

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