Ok lets be honest guys, we all know eoc sucks. But this has happened before. Look at the number of player currently online. Anyone remember see millions of players on at once? Now there's currently 80,000. I'll bet 60% of those people are players who haven't been on in years or new players. Runescape took away the wilderness, that sucked. They lost a lot of players. But then they brought it back to the addicting game we all know and love. Even the players who liked the no wilderness update will still play. Like I said, runescape 2 is addicting. Jagex will go back and have more players than ever, and all of their loyal player like me and you will be happy. Untill then all we can do is either deal with eoc or quit and wait. No matter what choice you make everyone should pray.
25-Nov-2012 14:31:07