

Quick find code: 278-279-973-65848713



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to me this is going to look like a
something that doesn’t belong to the past YET but I hope Players will reconsider what they are talking about for the sake of having a better mutual understanding about each other

The things we are discussing here is about the things we like & dislike to see happen in our RuneScape Community in terms of exchanging feedback with each other .

When I entered The RSOF, 2008, this particular complex situation I did encounter, a situation where different groups of kindred spirits, housing each in their own subForums, were busy to attack each other (including the use of Alt-Accounts) for having different thoughts, different ways to express themselves to other Players & Jagex.
At that time everything that happened happened just here in The RSOF in different subForums, mostly a hostile situation where many Players who had their own way of expressing theirs constructive feedback became victim of others attacking them for disliking the way how they expressed themselves.
Even with the presence of ‘RuneScape Gods’ these subForums looked like a hostile army of haters who couldn’t for once gather peacefully together to exchange thoughts about how we, as a RuneScape Community, could change things that we could benefit of as “1” RuneScape Community.
Many groups of Players had a different way of how they would like to vote for something, those who would love to discuss a lot of feedback into the tiniest details, other groups that only used threads with support or no-support, etc. etc.
There were also groups of Players who thought of getting an advantage if they knew Moderators personally or at least joined forces with Moderators, just for the sake of having an advantage over others.


13-Nov-2016 15:12:50



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Many years I’ve watched over these ‘RuneScape Community Struggles’ to see if there was something to do to help recover from these ‘Futile Wars’ as nothing more was accomplished other than breaking down our beloved RuneScape Community.
RuneScape Gods never could make a difference as many Players were hit by the ‘Ban-Hammer’ nor were groups able to find some mutual ground to help each other with finding a peaceful situation.

2016, Here are we now, segregated over multiple Platforms called Social Media, and what do we do?, again we start to attack each other, just like in those subForums back in 2008, not being able to break a few glasses or making some sense and suggest something good for the whole RuneScape Community.

Please do respectfully respect someone else’s Platform, regardless if you like that place or not. Since you have not chosen for such Platform it doesn’t mean that you have to go out there and demolish it for the sake of hating what they do over there nor for how they express themselves.

All Platforms have their advantages & disadvantages, too many to write down, all you have to do is to chose one that comes closest to your desire and if you still miss the ‘Old Days’ then I would suggest to go to The RSOF and see for yourself.
The RSOF at this moment is still far from being perfect but that doesn’t mean we can’t make it better. Just respect each other and give each other the time and space to share thoughts and find a mutual ground to agree with each other.

13-Nov-2016 15:13:25

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@FiFi La Frou, Hi, thank you for your reply. I understand your concerns & appreciate your frankness. I share some of those concerns as well & did try to address them with the use of data in the past.

A few years ago I had a thread up that used the data that had been published on the MMG - Myths and Misconceptions, Qfc 294-295-309-65341957, the T&C, & information on Jagexs marketing strategy.

One of the points I tried to make with that data was to show that RS is a game that is marketed to a global mainstream market. A market that Jagex specifically targets in how they advertise & a market that RS is dependent on for their revenue stream.

Jagexs target audience is not the 44% (19-26 group), but rather the 33% (<13, 13-15, 15-18 group), who can be defined as legal minors, who may also have a parent that plays the game, who would fall into the 23% (>26 group).

It is also worthwhile to note that because the game is played by a mainstream global community one of the points I was trying to make was that it would be foolish for anyone to assume that the 44% were not part of the mainstream either.

One point I tried to make was since the game is marketed to a global mainstream audience & as a family friendly game then feedback that leans mainstream should not be so readily discounted, ignored or classified as irrelevant because of the assumption that 44% of the players fall into the 19-26 group & do not share those mainstream values. This assumption also tended to be exacerbated when the identification as part of that peer group was present.

That assumption appeared to be a key component & appeared to be one of the underlying issues that was obvious at the time. In my opinion, that assumption coupled with peer identification was a contributing factor that lead to the appearance that mainstream feedback was being ignored, discounted & that it also tended to give the impression that mainstream feedback was irrelevant for consideration in present day RS.

13-Nov-2016 16:49:32



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Windsofnight said :

Constructive Criticism Versus Whining Little Hit Pieces

I do find it a bit disingenuous that there is a sticky thread right here in W&F now, that will stay open for only a week asking "us", the RSOF community, for "our" thoughts on the current state of the RuneScape forums in light of the fact that there are 50 pages of threads on that subject right here on RSOF in W&F, a forum that is dedicated to that subject, website feedback.

I also find it a bit disheartening that once again it appears that in order to get our Jmods attention on any subject, all anyone has to do is go off site & write, for lack of better wording, a whining little hit piece on a 'fansite' that thrives on discussions about how awful RS is, how bad the forums are & how it should be shut down, that our Fmods are awful & our Jmods are lazy & don't know what they are doing. [1]

Is that the type of feedback our Jmods really want?

It does appear that is just the type of feedback that spurs our Jmods into action each & every time though. It is almost like they would rather take that type of feedback on board rather than the type of feedback that you find posted right here in W&F.

If that is the case, then shouldn't the proposal be put forth that the RSOF community be allowed to write whining little hit pieces in any forum without it getting classified as a 'rant' or locked? After all, it does appear that is the type of feedback that seems to get our Jmods attention...
To be frank, Windsofnight, I don't you have any idea how Jagex works nor how The RSOF works as a platform for the FeedBack of The RuneScape Community.
It more or less looks like you need some anger-management, along with take a few steps away from your analytic ability, zoom out for the sake of getting some air and take a deep breath.
In this time period of 2008 - 2016 Jagex has done a huge chunk of work in RuneScape & The RSOF but you never noticed.

13-Nov-2016 19:46:28



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To Windsofnight or anyone who knows a possible answer;
- by whom is currently The RSOF run / controlled?
- in which ERA are we in at the moment, RuneScape-wise?
- who are the current Community Management Team?

13-Nov-2016 20:00:21

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RE: 4.5

Quoting: 'I'd probably say I spend more time on Reddit than I do on the forums, whereas Mod Kalaya would probably say the opposite.'

Wilf Replies: You'd hope so considering she's the forum curator lol.


@Wilf, Hi, the thread Week in the Life - Mod Kalaya, Qfc 254-255-509-65656412 (24-Jul-2015), outlines what Mod Kalayas typical work week duties are (or were at that time). I don't know if her duties have changed since then though.

She does state on that thread in July of 2015, that 'I’m typically busy over on the RuneScape forums, and that’s where I’m most visible'. This tends to confirm Mod Balances comment he made on 15 Mar 2015 that was posted to the Reddit thread - Mod kalaya says.. (I don't agree).

I had also noticed when I reread the Week in the Life - Mod Kalaya thread that on Fridays her duties, in July 2015, included generating reports that included a report on how many forum posts the team has made in the week. I am not sure if this is still something that is done since Mod Balance did say on his 18 Oct 2016 tweet that the latest Posts by Community Management on forums stats that he had were from July 2016. It would be a shame if those numbers were no longer being tracked.

There have been changes within the Community Management team over the past year so perhaps changes in duties may have also occurred too.


RE: 4.6, 7

You might find that of interest then again maybe not.


@Wilf, Hi, I am sure you knew that I would find that information interesting! Thank you so much for providing that information. I was glad to see that it included data from a few of the Specialist Forums that have restricted access too (since the data I usually post consists of only the generalized forums + Rants).

15-Nov-2016 14:54:42

Mar Member 2017


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Posting Preference

The following thread captured a number of Jmod replies & this thread may have been missed by some of the forum community. Those Jmod replies are insightful as they pertain to the discussion taking place on this thread in relationship to posting preference habits.

RSOF: 14-Nov-2016 15:10:52 Recently, Qfc 15-16-810-65850977 - Locked

OP: So can we start adding when game updates are gonna happen to the OFFICIAL Runescape forums and not Twitter? I'm getting a little tired of the Forums being full of second and third hand information about a game it was implemented for.


A: Mod Kalaya Jagex Moderator 14-Nov-2016 16:34:32:

Noted. I'll try and make sure this happens from now on


A: Mod Shauny Jagex Moderator 14-Nov-2016 16:46:27:

Hey all,

All fair points, so want to clarify how it all works.

When it comes to Game Updates we've recently started to put out Game Broadcasts ahead of time, before we started doing this players would see a thirty minute timer and they could be in the middle of an hour aura so would be in a problem.

The broadcast would look something like this. (Image of ingame update message)

This would go out to all players in-game and in the lobby, afterwards when the thirty minute timer starts, we normally post a thread, similar to the one today - 15-16-948-65850976 [1]

I'll be honest today the update time was never guaranteed, this is why there was no game broadcast today to inform people way ahead of time like there normally is.

In future I think I'll see if we can get the Incoming Update post made at the same time we make the in-game broadcast to all players as a compromise.

Feedback/thoughts on this would be awesome :)

15-Nov-2016 18:15:24 - Last edited on 15-Nov-2016 18:17:07 by Windsofnight

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A: Mod Kalaya Jagex Moderator 14-Nov-2016 16:53:15:

(Quoting: [Edit] said: Mod Kalaya said: 'Noted. I'll try and make sure this happens from now on')

Quoting [Edit] Reply to Mod Kalaya: 'people have been asking for this for over a year doubt it changes. No way this is the first time j mods seen this complaint as I can recall like 5 threads with many f mods asking for this too'.

Mod Kalaya Responds: It's only in the past few months that we've started giving a heads-up earlier than the 30 minutes, before then it wasn't realistically possible.


A: Mod Easty Jagex Moderator 14-Nov-2016 17:01:12:

In terms of game update ETAs, I do post on this forum at the same time I send out a tweet about game update times, and have done for quite a long time. Apologies I didn't manage to do that this week, it was a bit of a busy day today!


Mod Kalaya Jagex Moderator 14-Nov-2016 17:02:29:

A: But Easty you did D: (Links to 15-16-948-65850976) [2]

Comment: Quoting: Mod Kalaya said: But Easty you did D:

And I'm sorry Mod Kalaya, but Mod Easty's "update" post on the Recent Updates forum (14-Nov-2016 15:01:14) [2] came more than half an hour after we'd found his Reddit post and let other forum users know about status on the Future Updates forum (14-Nov-2016 14:27:01) [1].


Mod Easty Jagex Moderator 15-Nov-2016 08:35:18:

Looking through my previous game update posts and comparing them with when I tweet, it seems like I've been a bit more slack than I realised - my intention is to post up on both here and twitter at the same time (and the habit I'm in is tweet first followed by writing the forum post, since the forum post takes a little longer to write). Looking at the timestamps though, it seems like the forum post is on average about 5 minutes later than my tweet.

So from now on, I'll instead not tweet game update times until the forum post is written and posted.

15-Nov-2016 18:15:30 - Last edited on 15-Nov-2016 18:18:16 by Windsofnight

Mar Member 2017


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Locking Message

A: Mod Kalaya Jagex Moderator 15-Nov-2016 09:52:36:

Hey guys,

We hear you loud and clear :)

As the original post has been answered (see Easty's post above) and this isn't really to do with the game update, locking up.

We'll do our best to get more stuff on the forums.




Mod Easty Tweet

[1] 14-Nov-2016 14:27:01 Today's update status, Qf 16-17-671-65850969
[2] 14-Nov-2016 15:01:14 Game update, Qfc 15-16-948-65850976 - Locked

15-Nov-2016 18:15:35 - Last edited on 15-Nov-2016 18:20:09 by Windsofnight

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