

Quick find code: 278-279-973-65848713

Mar Member 2017


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Constructive Criticism Versus Whining Little Hit Pieces

I found it a bit disingenuous that CM had placed a thread in W&F that stayed open for only a week asking 'us', the RSOF community, for 'our' thoughts on the current state of the RSOF in light of the fact that there are 50 pages of threads on that subject right here on RSOF in W&F. A forum, btw, that is dedicated to that subject.

It is also a bit disheartening that once again it appears that in order to get our Jmods attention on any subject, all anyone has to do is go off site & write, for lack of better wording, a whining little hit piece on a 'fansite' that thrives on discussions about how awful RS is, how bad the forums are, that the Fmods are awful & the Jmods are lazy & don't know what they are doing. [1]

Is that the type of feedback the Jmods really want?

It appears that is just the type of feedback that spurs the Jmods into action each & every time. It also appears that what was written off site was the motivation for the placement of that thread here.

If writing whining little hit pieces is what floats the boat then shouldn't the proposal be put forth that the RSOF community be allowed to write whining little hit pieces in any forum without it getting locked?

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct was revised not long ago from a professional well written version that provided clarity to one that appears like it was revised on Twitter. The rules start out with 'Bit of a no-brainer' as the lead in sentence. Why not get rid of all the 1, 2, 3's listed & have a one line sentence like 'Be respectful of your fellow forumers at all times'. That is, after all, an example of a no-brainer type sentence.

The rules were revised again to what we now enjoy today. It appears the motivation for that change was because of what was written off site (that had caused, IMO, a major PR blunder) & not because of any thread on the subject here, since those threads were locked.

06-Nov-2016 17:57:05 - Last edited on 14-May-2018 15:53:17 by Windsofnight

Mar Member 2017


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Not only does it appear that maybe RSOF gets the short end of the stick when it comes to Jmod support but it also appears that maybe the majority of the Official Jagex Approved Fansites do too!

Mod Balance

Drum Roll....

Mod Balance explains in 140 characters or less


I will include within this thread Reddit vs. RSOF Jmod posting activity comparisons that will allow the reader to judge if community activity/time spent ratio is fair.

RSOF Active User Matrix

If the explanation provided is based on the current active user counter number, (as that had been used as a reason in the past to explain lack of activity by CM on RSOF before), then I would counter by saying that the active user counter on RSOF has been off kilter since Mod Allstars forum reskin in 2015.

The active user numbers were significantly reduced after the reskin update. This was reported on Mod Allstars forum reskin update thread & was not addressed by him at that time. Since that thread is long gone, the only reference point to that timeline on this subject can be found on the W&F Discussion & Chat thread, Qfc 278-279-715-65175740, page 70.

Even when the active user counter worked, which showed an average of over 100+ active users during the slow periods on forums that number would not have include visitors to the site that were not logged in either like Reddits active user matrix does. If I recall Reddit continues to count a visitor that has left the site for a certain amount of time too.

To compare the current active user counter matrix on RSOF to the Reddit active user counter matrix seems more like an excuse than an explanation to me.


Let's look at RSOF site activity by thread & post count. I'll show you some numbers. RSOF is far from dead.

06-Nov-2016 17:57:16 - Last edited on 14-May-2018 15:57:10 by Windsofnight

Mar Member 2017


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Jagex Fansites

Fansite Support - Information thread, Qfc 254-255-304-65216439

Jagex states that "We’ll do our best to give you everything you need and more to make sure you continue to ‘wow’ your visitors, with regular promotional support, including being mentioned on our social media sites & newsposts, exclusive Jagex interviews, event attendance, prizes and more".

Is there even a Jagex Fansite coordinator now? When was the last time there was any participation in the RSOF Fansite forum?

Tbh, I am hard pressed to find nary a mention of majority of these fansites that are still active on any of Jagexs social media accounts or for that matter on RSOF either. After reviewing the content on the traditional fansites that are still active confirms that those fansites do indeed promote positive behaviour & offer their support to Jagex.

It's sad to see that two of the three posts on this thread haven't been updated since 2014. The post that lists the fansites was last updated in 2015! This tends to communicate to the reader that Jagex Fansite support is a thing of the past.

There appears to be two exceptions though. As far as I can tell CM appears to only show support to RSW & Reddit. These 'fansites' appear to be promoted & supported by our Jmods while the remaining active traditional fansites appear to be ignored.

In Dec 2016 RSW was awarded an ingame title. The other fansites were told that they would be receiving an ingame title too & that awarding the ingame title to RS Wiki wasn't going to be 'a one site only thing'.

Today's update - 'the Wikian' title submitted 05 Dec 2016 by Mod Shauny

It kinda appears that the RSW fansite ingame title was 'a one site only thing' after all.


06-Nov-2016 17:57:23 - Last edited on 14-May-2018 16:01:24 by Windsofnight

Mar Member 2017


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Would a Official fansite that appears to allow its fansite to be a platform where it appears that an enormous amount of angry energy goes into discussing just how awful the game is, how bad RSOF is, that names & shames the RSOF Fmod team & often discusses how bad specific Jmods are really be a fansite that promotes positive behaviour or supports Jagex?

Yet here we are, not only RSOF, but the majority of other fansites, in competition with a fansite that does just that. By all appearances, it is the go to place for feedback that our Jmods promote & support above all other fansites & even RSOF.

The question is, why is a fansite like this rewarded with so much Jagex support? In an article published in June 2017 on Motherboard, in context to another PR blunder, Neil McClarty, VP Product Management stated the following about this fansite:

If senior managements feels that way then why are the lower rungs of the corporate ladder spending so much of their working hours there?

Why has posting official information to social media *first* become the norm? It does appear that information is posted to either Twitter or Reddit first & then to RSOF. Sometimes the information that the Jmods provide on social media doesn't even find its way to RSOF either.

Why aren't all of our Jmods posting to RSOF? It is disheartening to see some of our Jmods post more to one thread on Reddit than they post to RSOF in a whole month. It appears that some of our Jmods may not be posting to RSOF at all. Doesn't that make you wonder if they even bother to read the threads on RSOF or take into consideration any of the feedback that is posted here?

This thread will provide Jmod Tidbits in comparative form that will showcase the differences between the information provided on social media versus RSOF, as well as, information that does not even make it to RSOF.

Something is not right here & I don't think it has anything to do 'with the state of the forums'.

06-Nov-2016 17:57:33 - Last edited on 14-May-2018 16:04:21 by Windsofnight

Mar Member 2017


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RSOF: 04-Nov-2016 16:04:50 Forum Feedback, Qfc 278-279-885-65848148 - Locked 11-Nov-2016 15:43:53

Reddit: Time Line Date Stamp - (hours/days from creation of thread): 05 Nov 2016

1. Forums being looked into - 5 hours ago - (18)
2. It begins - 8 hours ago - (111)
3. The real reason JMods use Reddit more than RSOF - 10 hours ago - (20)
4. RuneScape Forum Feedback - 21 hours ago - (141)
5. RIP Forum Mod Discussion - 4 days ago - (157)
6. FMods running riot on forums, removed for posting a bump on a thread. What a time to be alive. - 6 days - (230) - Thread Locked



1. Forum Thread & Post Activity Formula: Links to Encouraging Forum Use - Ideas? Qfc 278-279-157-65617601 (48.5): Post 3.5
2. Section/Threads Created/Posts Made Snapshot: Post 3.6
3. 24 Hour Posting Comparison: Post 9.5-10, 10.1-3
4. 2nd 24 Hour Posting Comparison: Post 11.1-7
5. ZYBEZ - 01 Dec 2016 Are Runescape forums becoming irrelevant? By Gintoki: Post 11.9


1. Posting Preference: Post 4.4
2. Posting Preference: Post 6.8-10
3. Allocation of Time: Post 7.10
4. Embed Social Media Feed: Post 8.5 (Post 8.4 lists prior RSOF Social Media Feed threads)
5. Reddit's Algorithm Priorities: Post 9.4
6. Functional Forum Changes: Post 10.10
7. NXT Client Freezing on Mac: Post 11.2
8. REDDIT WEEKEND WATCH: Variety of subjects, Post 12.1-3


1. The Official Jmods on Twitter-A public list by RuneScape: Post 7.4,5,6,7,8,9
2. RE: RuneHQ Events: 11.8

Due to space limitations for the Index please click the link below :


tl/dr - Pretend the thread is a Twitter feed & read it in portions of 140 characters or less at a time.

06-Nov-2016 17:57:39 - Last edited on 28-Mar-2017 19:45:23 by Windsofnight

Team Skull
Aug Member 2008

Team Skull

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Soooo....what do you want done then? " like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion."- Jeremy Taylor

06-Nov-2016 18:37:14



Posts: 28,483 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I love that line about time spent on each.

While it's true they do post a fair amount relative to the populations on both Reddit & the forums, it's hard to see J-Mod posts on here since the boards are WAY TOO BIG. Also there's no way to see when J-Mods post, so the posts aren't as apparent as what you see on Reddit.

I might be derailing this thread. Ignore this if I am.

06-Nov-2016 18:57:17

Team Misha
Nov Member 2023

Team Misha

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I mean, the cynic in me figures Kalaya is just bowing to pressure. CM is useless on this front because we in W&F already know how the web team works. No BS feedback thread will actually lead to changes when the "list of good ideas" for the forums is 10 miles long and 100 years in development.

06-Nov-2016 19:08:57



Posts: 28,483 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Team Misha said :
I mean, the cynic in me figures Kalaya is just bowing to pressure. CM is useless on this front because we in W&F already know how the web team works. No BS feedback thread will actually lead to changes when the "list of good ideas" for the forums is 10 miles long and 100 years in development.

Where do you think the pressure is coming from?

Many of the non-technical changes can be quite easily implemented I imagine.

06-Nov-2016 19:24:31

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