About 2,220 results (0.46 seconds)
About 4,280 results (0.53 seconds)
I conducted the same search today 08-Apr-2017 & here are the results:
About 3,820 results (0.24 seconds)
About 8,290 results (0.53 seconds)
And a poster showed that a lot of those results were also duplicates of each other (a simple search factoring in the repeated results will illustrate this point beautifully). I find it rather disingenuous to use Google numbers, insinuating each and every last one to be unique, when even in their search results they state something like "We removed a bunch of repeats, click here to show them".
As to your question regarding tracking an uptick in swearing: That would require a macro of sorts that, very likely, would not be allowed to be used on this site (As you'd be having to pull data from hidden (via moderation) and public posts that still have said words). Plus, one would have to question the worth of even making such a program in the first place as there'd have to be a lot of testing, debugging, etc associated with it to avoid duplicates and false positives...for what? The equivalent of "for teh lulz"?
I mean, you like to tout the raw volume of posts made on here daily. Do you think that every last post can be accounted for in terms of moderation, given the current size of the moderation team? I would be genuinely surprised if they could as it's impossible to cover every last post. Sure, they could always make an Auto-Mod like how Reddit has and cover absolutely everything, but that would require time and resources that, quite frankly, the Web Team doesn't really have (if what they say is true).
" like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion."- Jeremy Taylor
08-Apr-2017 18:23:11
- Last edited on
09-Apr-2017 13:15:33
Team Skull