Bumping this up again myself, as the current Captcha solution has started getting extremely intrusive the last few days, including in the last few minutes.
I've been logged into the forums for about an hour this afternoon. I did not have any Captcha when I logged into the site. However, in the last 5 minutes, I had a Captcha when I...
- Attempted to open a thread.
- Attempted to advance to the next page in that thread.
- Again, after solving the first Captcha (and it highlighting it as being successfully solved), I was asked to solve it once more.
- Attempted to post a response on a different thread and was asked to solve it again. After successful completion, I was asked by my browser if I wanted to resubmit my submission - I did, and the post was only posted once thankfully.
That's extremely intrusive to me - it makes my navigation around the forums quite annoying to be prompted that often.
There is nothing peculiar with my browser - its pretty much stock Firefox on this machine, and my browsing habits aren't strange either. This has only started this past weekend - I experienced similar yesterday, but haven't prior to that. Previously, it was the occasional prompt at login.
25-Oct-2020 21:10:13