So I just managed to login after 8+ hours today. Sorry for the many of you who are still affected!! I know it will hit me again sunday or if unlucky tomorrow.
Rank #56 Overall. 8000/1****? Hard caskets stacked. 7000/8****? Elite caskets stacked.
31/37 boss logs completed - Ultimate Slayer achieved
Would you trust a Price-checking service that has bots running in W2 advertising themselves constantly? I wouldn't!
So I just managed to login after 8+ hours today. Sorry for the many of you who are still affected!! I know it will hit me again sunday or if unlucky tomorrow.
Rank #56 Overall. 8000/1****? Hard caskets stacked. 7000/8****? Elite caskets stacked.
31/37 boss logs completed - Ultimate Slayer achieved
Would you trust a Price-checking service that has bots running in W2 advertising themselves constantly? I wouldn't!
I noticed that happening other times too, that when one was able, often another one was able to as well. As if they are manually deleting something that makes you capable of logging again.
At this point all we can do is speculate, cause we know it's going to happen again real soon.
Rank #56 Overall. 8000/1****? Hard caskets stacked. 7000/8****? Elite caskets stacked.
31/37 boss logs completed - Ultimate Slayer achieved
Would you trust a Price-checking service that has bots running in W2 advertising themselves constantly? I wouldn't!
I'm glad that you guys have been able to log in. I sure hope that this is also the case for the others that experiencing this issue. If you are able to log in, please let us know here so that those affected by this security feature are able to see that it's, at least, getting back to normal for some players.
21-Aug-2020 19:49:33
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21-Aug-2020 19:50:16
Mrs Ana
Yes this is the current normal. Every other day for the past weeks I can't login, so let's not act as if something's changed just because we can login now. It's nice and I am glad
But nothing different, this is just one of many many many times.
Rank #56 Overall. 8000/1****? Hard caskets stacked. 7000/8****? Elite caskets stacked.
31/37 boss logs completed - Ultimate Slayer achieved
Would you trust a Price-checking service that has bots running in W2 advertising themselves constantly? I wouldn't!
I'm sure it hasn't fully changed, but being able to log in right now it's a good sign for those that are capable of doing so. I sure hope that it gets resolved promptly.
100% agreed
Rank #56 Overall. 8000/1****? Hard caskets stacked. 7000/8****? Elite caskets stacked.
31/37 boss logs completed - Ultimate Slayer achieved
Would you trust a Price-checking service that has bots running in W2 advertising themselves constantly? I wouldn't!
Of course, one will be able to login if they follow this Support Center instruction:
"Repeated attempts to log in will prolong the issue, so in the meantime we recommend to wait at least 20-30 minutes before trying again if you receive this message."
We just need to have patience and follow the Jagex instructions.
Thanks Lovvel for the QC
and sorry for spamming the forums
Thanks for some tips in trying to fix this Same' issue Im having
My issue started during Dxp 8/07/20 last week when world 2 crashed.
-That fix happened after just "Waiting" it out 11 hours, wifi 2G.
Happened again: 8/18/20
This time .. loading the game up on mobile, wifi 5G-fixed it.
Once again: 8/21/20
Followed your tips And no luck
Also tried logging on my Alt account with no avail.
RS3 player
Edit: 3 hours later, I am able to log on. ( Rs Client )
No time to play now as my day has been wasted after of not being able to log on before
Work. If this issue isnt resolved ,a 15 year Vet player will be forced to Quit
Trouble shoot the issuse?
IP, nope .. I logged on my mobile ( Data )- same issue!
Account bugged ... Nope, logged on my alt( OG RSN ) - same issue!
last option is it to blame on the server? W36 is my home world, perhaps?
Finally Maxed: 5/17/15
Proud Founder of The AFKers
21-Aug-2020 20:07:39
- Last edited on
24-Aug-2020 00:48:04
Ms aASHSteel