I do not believe this is a serious problem. If a thread is misplaced, it may be moved by an F-Mod that is available at the time. Throughout my tenure here, I have never seen anyone get punished or banned for misplacing a thread. Granted, once you misplace a thread and it's moved, most of the time the person involved learns the lesson and the mistake is not committed again. Yes, it may be annoying to some, but I am sure that the F-Mod are willing to move the thread if and when necessary.
Personally, I disagree with punishing anyone for misplacing a thread. Now, if it's done blatantly and on purpose, then that's another story; however, I have yet to see something like this. As of right now, this issue is nonexistent.
09-Jul-2020 16:40:13
- Last edited on
09-Jul-2020 16:40:35
Mrs Ana