Hey there, looks like an interesting thread
I am personally a powerlifter and my brother and myself have a mixed program
of powerlifting and a normal workout.
So, let's take monday for example.
That would give us:
Squats, following our powerlifting program.
Followed by finishing legs following a normal workout routine.
Tuesday Bench following the powerlifting program,
finish chest by normal workout.
Wednesday Deadlift by powerlifting program,
finish back by normal workout.
Thursday Log Lift,
followed by shoulders on a normal routine.
Friday biceps/triceps on a normal routine.
Abs added on tuesday/thursday
Cardio added wherever there's time for it.
I could share the current program (exercises, sets etc ) if you want me to
Current PRs (1RM):
(Included Log lift as we do this as powerlifting exercise for shoulders)
Raw :
Squat 220kg
Bench 140kg
Deadlift 265kg
Log lift 105kg
Equipped :
Squat 235kg (knee wraps, no suit)
Bench 175kg (bench shirt)
Deadlift 270kg (suit, should be able to get close to 300 though , had quite some leftover)
Log lift /
Edit: And I'd like to say my coach is an IPF world champ xD
This is very similar to my training program at the moment. I used to own/operate my own gym and always enjoyed the powerlifting/strongman side of training. The only difference between my routine and yours is friday I do strongman technique training moreso to focus on stabilising muscles and the likes.
Finally, a thread I can relate to!
Hey there, looks like an interesting thread
I am personally a powerlifter and my brother and myself have a mixed program
of powerlifting and a normal workout.
So, let's take monday for example.
That would give us:
Squats, following our powerlifting program.
Followed by finishing legs following a normal workout routine.
Tuesday Bench following the powerlifting program,
finish chest by normal workout.
Wednesday Deadlift by powerlifting program,
finish back by normal workout.
Thursday Log Lift,
followed by shoulders on a normal routine.
Friday biceps/triceps on a normal routine.
Abs added on tuesday/thursday
Cardio added wherever there's time for it.
I could share the current program (exercises, sets etc ) if you want me to
Current PRs (1RM):
(Included Log lift as we do this as powerlifting exercise for shoulders)
Raw :
Squat 220kg
Bench 140kg
Deadlift 265kg
Log lift 105kg
Equipped :
Squat 235kg (knee wraps, no suit)
Bench 175kg (bench shirt)
Deadlift 270kg (suit, should be able to get close to 300 though , had quite some leftover)
Log lift /
Edit: And I'd like to say my coach is an IPF world champ xD
This is very similar to my training program at the moment. I used to own/operate my own gym and always enjoyed the powerlifting/strongman side of training. The only difference between my routine and yours is friday I do strongman technique training moreso to focus on stabilising muscles and the likes.
Finally, a thread I can relate to!
15-Jan-2014 14:41:00