
QOL & Ninja Fix Suggestions

Quick find code: 259-260-605-66050131

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It would be nice to be able to load out our familiars at the grand exchange in varrock whilst using a legendary pet again. Ever since the patch notes that stopped people from using a legendary pet as a BoB at barrows this has been "broken".

doesn't affect my main but my alt would sure appreciate it.

04-Oct-2018 19:27:55

Jul Member 2016


Posts: 1,946 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
just in case this is a real thing (even though the other thread was completely ignored)

Chee arra said :
Timbo-ing of the trees near the Priffy POH portal. If your camera is facing north it's impossible to see the portal.

Also, ignore-listing people with drakes to get them to disappear. Kinda joking, kinda not.

Chee arra said :
Could the pirate spell sheet* be changed to allow you to teleport to Mos or Braindeath without having to be on one island or the other. The reward is super out-dated and it's overshadowed by Yanille lodestone -> fairy ring -> Mos Le Harmless, and ectophial -> Braindeath Island.


Chee arra said :
Wildcat said :
Add a title called "Clue Scrolls" to the list of bank preset titles.

Yes please

and for some reason, Glacors is missing while Tormented Demons is on the list

Chee arra said :
Dsctatom said :
Allow charging of the arc journal with teletabs.


^ also the Menaphos one since that exists now too

Chee arra said :

Please make this a thing! It's bugged me (and many others) since NIS came out how there are tabs that are just ever-so-slightly off, by like 2-5 spaces.
st Mas

Max: 28 Jan 2018 | MQC: 9 Aug 2019 | Comp: 18 Oct 2019

05-Oct-2018 02:09:56 - Last edited on 05-Oct-2018 02:12:36 by Chee

Jul Member 2016


Posts: 1,946 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chee arra said :
Allow us to collect memory strands beyond 10K (or let us either collect somewhere else or move them from our currency pouches) - I have been stuck with 10K on my iron (plus the 500 from the Easter event that I can't store anywhere except my bank) and can't collect any more because I don't have the 95 Divination I need to charge the last engram.

If for some reason that can't be done, at least filtering the message that you have maxed your strands would be nice. The text is almost the same color as the prompt for the Sliske's Endgame pink orbs and it's just spamming the chat as it is.


Chee arra said :
Prestie said :
When you're at crystal urchins, if you try to quick teleport near the high level fishing spot (and maybe some others) it will cancel out for no reason and you have to do it twice

It happens when you mine sometimes too, I notice it often while doing daily sandstones.

Chee arra said :
I know this thread isn't read anymore (or ever was at all?) but it would be nice if we could switch MH and OH Death Lotus Darts the way you can with an Ascension Crossbow. There isn't really any reason why you can't do this since they use the same materials to create.

st Mas

Max: 28 Jan 2018 | MQC: 9 Aug 2019 | Comp: 18 Oct 2019

05-Oct-2018 02:10:44 - Last edited on 05-Oct-2018 02:11:26 by Chee

Indecent Act

Indecent Act

Posts: 7,456 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hi Lee,

It would really be really nice if the panel stuck on the side of the bank interface actually matched our customised inventory.

If anything but the default inventory proportions are used then the bank interface and inventory become disproportional making it quite difficult to arrange items in a particular order from the bank.

See image to see what I mean.

I first asked about this when NIS was released, it may have been in beta, I can't remember because it was years ago. We were told it was temporary, yet it remains unchanged and years later it is no less annoying.

It makes laying out our inventory unnecessarily difficult. Presets have helped but not enough. The thing is it is not a big ask. It's the very basics of a user interface and really should never been this way.

The bank and our inventory are things we always use, they are not trivial as they the primary interfaces we interact with. Notice how old the image is? This is the third time over the years I have used it requesting something be done. So hopefully, third time lucky? :)

05-Oct-2018 10:36:40

Jan Member 2023


Posts: 2,108 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Can we please get achto armour reward chance after killing bm and yaka without having to wait 48 hours for reset? its stopping me from pushing higher enrage telos and nothing i can do about it Osrs bulk supplier (retired)

05-Oct-2018 12:09:35



Posts: 127 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1. The 120 Slay Cape Perk should work in Duo Slay.
2. Summoning Charms should be added to the Currency Pouch.
3. Lorehound should improve Ushabti Soul Rates.
4. Thinker Boots and Gloves should be get in Order not in Random from the Maw. I finally want to put it in the Poh <.<
5. Player owned Dungeon: The Souls should be able to be placed infinitly from the Codex. So annoying if you want to change your dungeon to catch the souls again. Especially for high lvl Slayer Monster.
6. Slayer Codex Teleport should be in the Slayer Helm.

05-Oct-2018 16:41:45 - Last edited on 05-Oct-2018 17:05:21 by J0nas

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