Hopefully this doesn't show up twice since my other post just disappeared.
Add Feathers of Ma'at to the currency pouch.
Could there be an updated bolt pouch to hold all of the new varieties of bolts, or let us buy multiple pouches from Keldagrim. Maybe even an Invention ability to create/craft one?
Agree with the post about the Slayer Dungeon to allow teleporting with the helmet as well as choosing a soul from the chest.
Thank you for fixing the camera log in issue. However, I still get flipped around only in Priff when teleporting between districts. Has it ever been considered that it has to do with the ginormous Spirit Tree and down-facing camera angle that causes that flip?
Ninja Fixes - reported in-game a few times since May:
My backpack inventory price checker is bugged. Diamonds aren't 92 gp and 4-dose prayer potions aren't 114 gp. Am I the only one having this problem as I haven't seen it on the forums?
Since PoF went live, when harvesting fruit trees or bushes, if my backpack becomes full, the extra produce drops on the ground with no notice box. Doesn't seem to matter if it was a normal number of items harvested or the extra with the Farmer's Outfit. If I have 5 spaces open, the 6th gets dropped.
Thank you.
05-Oct-2018 23:43:17