Q: 1. Were any charactors in the novel based off of people you know (Like, are Pia and Jack's characters based off your nephews mentioned in your first book?) Zac Mccrowel
A. Hi Zac. I hope not! Pia and Jack are thieves!
Q. What was your inspiration while writing the books? I have read "Betrayal at Falador" and I think it was amazing. Last Thursday
A. Thanks very much! The beginning was inspired by an actual ingame event, I was wearing a ring of life when I was killed by the Kinshra on Ice Mountain and found myself transported back to Falador.
Q. 2. at one point in the book, it says somthing along the lines of "travelling to edgeville", but edgeville didnt exist then, if this hasn't been changed, how do you feel about it? Lord Torquae
A. Edgeville in this sense is something I have to admit to. I had always envisaged it as a place where the incorporation finialsed a name already known.
Q. 7. Did you based your book, "Return to Canifis," on RuneScape's quests revolving around Canifis, Mort Myre, etc.? Belp.
A. The books should compliment what occurs in game. Hopefully they should provide a back story to the current in game events. I am sorry I can't answer your other questions just yet, but there are a lot about writing and publishing and I think I will have to provide a page on my own site to give these questions the time they deserve.
Q. 7. Did you based your book, "Return to Canifis," on RuneScape's quests revolving around Canifis, Mort Myre, etc.? Belp.
A. The books should compliment what occurs in game. Hopefully they should provide a back story to the current in game events. I am sorry I can't answer your other questions just yet, but there are a lot about writing and publishing and I think I will have to provide a page on my own site to give these questions the time they deserve.
Q. Secondly: In the book, a "Society of Owls" are mentioned. Where did you get that idea of the hidden marks from, and do you think the developers in the game could possibly use them in the future? Amascut
A. I hope so! We will just have to see who survive long enough!
Q. If there would ever be a film based on the books, who would you want to be the actors? (If you don't like a film: why not?) Sibberke
A. I think Ronnie Corbat as Doric would be a good one.....
Q. Do you have any advice for an aspiring young writer? Wormhole
A. Hi Wormhole, please see some of the above for this. I will have to add a page to my site, tschurch.*** which can answer these in more detail.
Q. 3. i know that betrayal at fally/return to caifs isn't a romace novel, but who does kara like? theodore or garth? Zero Kiryu07
A. Good question. I am not sure I know the answer to that, for both of them appeal to her in different ways. You will have to wait and see.
Q. My question is, are you the kind of author that scribbles notes on restaurant napkins and such when you think of a great idea? That's what I do. :] Erenesay
A. Yes, though these days its more Iphone, as my handwriting is awful. Absolutely awful. Really.