my favorite summer thing i did this summer was when me, my friend a c p l, and my friend shisea took my first trip to godwars dungeon, and we got our killcount to 40 and entered the bandos boss, general grandador, and they taught me how to tank, and we took turns, it was so much fun, we had gotten probably 17 bandos boss kills, when i finally ran out of supplies, and i helped them as much as i could under stressed conditions, and teleported at the last second, and they killed him, and got bandos tasset drop, and i didnt know, and they told me to meet them at ge at the fountain, and they said here best friend(: and us 3 split bcp 3 ways. it was such a rush, and we have gotten alot closer. and congradulations on jagex studios on getting 200 million runescape accounts created (:
27-Jul-2012 18:48:46