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Posts: 2,037 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aurelia I said :
State of the Abbey of St. Edwards in the Holy Kandar Empire

Pentember 25th

The Abbey of St. Edwards has recently been given permission and funding from the Emperor of Kandarin, Axel Vekon, to begin the construction of various monasteries and other places of worship throughout Kandarin. These monasteries are to distribute religious and worldly services and goods, respectively, to the needy in Kandarin.

While the great buildings of stone are under construction, religious services are held once a week for the townsfolk of Ardougne, Khazard, Yanille, Seers' Village, and Camelot. Confession is offered, and the Abbey prays for the good health and salvation of the Emperor and his family. Additionally, each monastery comes complete with its own farm, winery and brewery, which allows them to feed, clothe and provide for the needy of Kandarin. Excess goods are sold off to the locals and nobility, with the profits being split between the locals, taxes to the Emperor, and the Abbey.

Axel Vekon, the Eternal Emperor, the Archmage, the Lichslayer, of the Holy Kandarin Empire.


18-Jul-2018 18:05:42



Posts: 2,037 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Vekon said :

By the will of His Majesty, King Axel Vekon, the historically renowned Edicts of Extermination shall be enacted on the golden Kingdom of Kandarin.


Through Saradomin's light, the Kandar Inquisition will seek out all manner of evil, beast or otherwise within Kandar borders. All that which is inhuman and corrupt by nature will be hunted and killed, for the greater good of the Kingdom:

- All manner of undead; zombies, skeletons, wraiths and other vengeful spirits, liches and other products of necromancy.
- Demonic entities whether they be Chthonian, Avernic, or otherwise. Imps and fiends included.
- Werewolves, Vampyres, and other evil creatures of the tarnished Hallowvale.
- Mahjarrat, their descendants and their thralls.
- All manner of beast appropriate for hunting by professional Slayers.
- All things considered unholy.

To this end, King Axel Vekon has reinstalled the Kandar Inquisition, which will be tasked to enforce these Edicts, and guided by a soon-to-be appointed Lord High Inquisitor.


Axel Vekon, the Eternal Emperor, the Archmage, the Lichslayer, of the Holy Kandarin Empire.


18-Jul-2018 18:06:19



Posts: 101 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I figured I might as well fill this out to give some more info on my char

Character name: Jacob Delvar
Age: 20
Role: Squire for the Dragon Knights (I hope)
Religious views: Saradominist
Race: Human
Personality: Fairly nervous and unsure of himself in many aspects of life but also possesses a surprising level of determination.
Appearance: About 5 '11 in height, medium-heavy build, brown hair and carefully trimmed beard, brown eyes, usually seen wearing a set of very badly worn steel armour that shows clear signs of having been repaired multiple times. On close inspection it would appear there was once a family crest engraved on the center of the breastplate but whatever it was seems to be almost completely eroded away.
History: The last surviving member of the once powerful noble family that has now fallen so far out of favour that it was hitherto believed they had gone extinct without anyone noticing. The last Delvar of note was famous for wasting most of the rest of his family fortune on the construction of a large Observatory in the only village still left in the family's hands. Obsessed with knowledge of the stars as he was he paid scant attention to the affairs of his barony and suffered a heavy price for it. His son was driven from their home by a mere band of marauding goblins and became a drunk and a gambler and quickly fell off the political radar altogether. Now Jacob has arrived in Ardougne, wearing his family armour and pledging life and honour to the kingdom in an effort to restore his family name.
Other information: Can't think of any

18-Jul-2018 20:24:53 - Last edited on 18-Jul-2018 20:26:33 by Arenaride134

Aurelia I
Aug Member 2021

Aurelia I

Posts: 911 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
To His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Axel Vekon of Kandarin,

The Abbey of St. Edward writes to you to wish you and your family well, and to inform you of the fruits of your patronage to the church of our Lord and light Saradomin. Through hard work and with His Majesty's generosity we have managed to create a surplus of trading goods and agricultural products. Much of the described goods include wool for clothing the poor and produce for feeding them. With your grace we have even been able to provide free milk and beer to the population, and are in the process of discussing a route to education for the underprivileged.

I also write to you to express my interest and approval in His Majesty's Inquisition. As you read this letter I shall be en route to Sunlit Hall to discuss a matter of some moderate urgency regarding a necromancer rumored to be using Draynor Manor as a hideout. I look forward to seeing His Majesty again and pray for your health and the health of your family.


Jordan Whittaker, Head Abbess, the Abbey of St. Edward Aren-Grey
All that for a pile of bricks.

19-Jul-2018 02:33:53

Dec Member 2021


Posts: 3,781 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Attack on Ardougne Market

It happened in minutes.

On the quiet evening night prior, the merchants of Ardougne market had began to close up shop for the day and pack away their merchandise. Two guards maintained a vigilant patrol, beginning to make their way out before the arrival of a pair of hooded men.

Teleporting into the market square in a flash of violet light, one of them stepped towards the eastern homes of the square and combusted the building from the inside upstairs, sending shards of scorched wood flying from it's windows. The upper floor collapsing down. Over the sound of panicked citizens and the alert guardsmen, Aldaren's voice rang out.

"The Archmage of the Tower has fallen! The Ordo beseech Kandarin to repeal the Edicts of Extermination!"

Turning to the south, a flicker of his wand blasted away a nearby stall before raising to the home behind it. His orb then rose to join the wand's level.

"Protect yourselves, Kandar's!"

The second mage made quick work of the guards, sending fire bolts towards each and scorching their chests through.

With the wave of his orb and wand, Aldaren blasted the upper floor of the southern home, causing it to collapse onto the bottom.

As guardsmen reinforcements began to arrive, Aldaren stepped towards his accomplice and teleported away alongside him.

The Ordo have made their response to the Edicts quite clear.
.„¸¸,.·` |
| `· .,¸¸„.

19-Jul-2018 06:34:39



Posts: 2,037 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Arenaride134 said :
Character name: Jacob Delvar

Accepted as we already spoke in game.

For others applying, PLEASE fill this out for the census:

Username / Character Name / Age / Position or Role

Axel Vekon, the Eternal Emperor, the Archmage, the Lichslayer, of the Holy Kandarin Empire.


19-Jul-2018 14:40:58

Aurelia I
Aug Member 2021

Aurelia I

Posts: 911 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Citizens of Kandarin are again invited to the Abbey's cathedral on the Isle Entrana to celebrate Mass in the name of our Lord Saradomin. A casual feast will be held after the sermon. Come forth, feast, enjoy yourselves and bathe in the light of our Lord.

When: Saturday, July 28th at 5pm EST
Where: Entrana Chapel
What to bring: yourself, your friends
All that for a pile of bricks.

23-Jul-2018 03:05:26



Posts: 2,037 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

"A show of bravery, or foolishness, to step into my realm. Yet to only cause an act of terror on the unarmed and unsuspecting, before fleeing from the oncoming retribution. This is the infamous Ordo?"

It was in the dead of night that the Imperial Inquisition assembled. The Emperor had weighed his options; the lingering threat of Draynor, even though it was outside of his realm, could not be ignored. He could not live with himself knowing he could assist, but deliberating.

The guardsmen of Draynor cowered with wide eyes as its silent market was suddenly filled with the light of magic; the crackling of arcane teleportation stirred even those in nearby homes. As the magic cleared, a group of armored and robed men and women, carrying a variety of weapons but all holding a stern expression were revealed. They discussed their goal openly, uncaring of the watchful, fearful eyes of those nearby.

The Manor would be cleared. The Imperial Inquisition acting in other nations may be seen as blasphemous to some, but if the Kingdom of Misthalin would not protect their own peoples, someone would have to.


Axel Vekon, the Eternal Emperor, the Archmage, the Lichslayer, of the Holy Kandarin Empire.


24-Jul-2018 18:39:51

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