A House Shall Rise...
With the Emperor's Blessing Jacob Delvar lead a dawn raid against the goblins that were occupying the town once owned by his family. Supporting him he had both his own small army of hired mercenaries and sellswords and the backing of the forces of neighbouring Khazard.
The battle was long and arduous, the town so completely overrun with greenskins that the invading army was outnumbered and every building seemed to hide more enemies. Eventually however, the tide was turned against the defenders and they fell to Jacob's
warhammer (long story). The last goblin survivor, Jacob spared so that it might carry back to its people warnings of what had happened here today.
With the town reclaimed the young lord must turn his attention to the task of rebuilding the ruined town and restoring the region to its former glory. For that he will need all the help he can get, if only to have company as he enjoys a pint after a long days work.
So first and foremost thank you to everyone who took part in this RP, I hope you had a good time. Apologies to everyone who wasn't able to make it on that day but I thought it was important to get the ball rolling.
Regarding the mentioned rebuilding RPs, these will be taking place Wednesday and Thursday next week. Please note that anyone who attends these events will be able to cast a vote on the name, the landscaling location for the finished town and something else that'll I'll keep quiet about for now.
09-Sep-2018 00:58:27