
The Myreque

Quick find code: 237-238-899-65245150

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

Lieutenant's Log
Twiblick, Septober 22nd, 6A 3

I arrived back in Burgh de Rott late last night. The newest recruit was there to eagerly greet me and spout off on some inane trap he has devised. After babbling all the way back to base, I sent him to make a staff of Ivandis. That ought to keep him busy and quiet for a while.

I spent my time in Meiyerditch well. Vertida and I poured over my schematics and we worked the material with excruciating and exacting detail. It took nearly all week, but it is done. A long haft with a silver glaive on the top, with a silver pike at its bottom. It truly is a work of art. Nearly brought a tear to my eye.

I wrapped it in a thick cloth and brought it back with me. The new recruit was curious of it when I arrived, but I managed to change his focus. I will have to test it out soon... I think I will escort some locals to Paterdomus to see if it measures up.

The disappearances have continued, as expected. I am not sure if Veliaf is trying to wait it out, or if he is too scared to act. The citizens are fish in a barrel out here, ripe for the picking. My men seem to be making no difference either. I haven't seen any besides the new one since my return. I hope they heeded my orders and got to know one another better. Their teamwork leaves much to be desired.

Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

22-Aug-2015 20:20:14 - Last edited on 22-Aug-2015 20:25:19 by Rologarth

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

Lieutenant's Log
Erysail, Septober 28th, 6A 3

Today Elzbeth and I laid the vampyre I killed some weeks ago to rest at Paterdomus. The trek there was uneventful, but the key the beast bequeathed upon me on its release garnered me a runic talisman of blood. That was the exact item I needed to exchange my shady source for my new toy.

On our way back, we checked the bog that Sloane and Gwen left the armored zombie in. I can't say I was surprised it wasn't in there, but it did leave me fuming. I stormed back to Burgh de Rott where I relieved my anger on some vyrewatch patrolling the area east of us. Elzbeth spied on me, and was let in on my secret.

Ren also contacted me about a name I haven't heard in a long while. Vaeyl. They're clawing back, just like the For**. I must say that I see fun times ahead for Morytania if this trend continues. He also gave me some mithril chain links, which I plan on melting down and alloying with some of the silver we have on hand.

Now, this next part I cannot write freely of. All I can really say is that my debt so far has been paid, and has been rewarded with a healthy dose of rare runes. I will have to try to find a place to pawn them off, however. Perhaps when I get my galleon I can sell them at port towns... if I can find a crew. ... Can I pay a crew in runes?

Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

28-Aug-2015 07:10:39

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

Lieutenant's Log
Erysail, Septober 35th, 6A 3

Rory. Amelia. Aurel. Elisabeta. Cornelius. Radu. That's all that's left. Twenty people, just gone. Burgh de Rott is nearly a ghost town. But we must keep up, even if it is for just the sliver that is left. My men are keeping busy, shoring up crumbling walls and patrolling the empty streets. I do not know how long they will last with morale this low.

On the brighter side, I have received word that my galleon is finished. I have also obtained more than enough gold to hire a crew, buy a stock of trade goods, and pay for another little side project of mine. This is the only thing keeping me sane, currently.

Kaizer ran into trouble repairing Ulsquire's pipes yesterday. A vyrewatch and a vyrelord, I believe Ren, met and discussed how the Tsardom's territories would be divided up among the current covens. I will be keeping my ear to the ground.

While patrolling Mort'ton tonight, I happened upon someone I though I would never see again. Francine, one of my old crew, still alive and kicking. After ensuring that it was no trick, I brought her back to the empty Burgh de Rott and gave her proper food and water. I also briefed her on our current state of affairs.

The most concerning news is of a strange being swiftly looting the houses of the taken. We are unsure of its origin, but it is not welcome here. I will be setting a few extra traps, as it seems to have bypassed the ones currently in place.

I sit here in an empty shed. I am alone. I hear only silence outside. I fear we may lose the rest of our flock, then our own men. Then I will be left here, a guardian of nothing.
Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

05-Sep-2015 05:04:54

Oct Member 2023


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The Burgh de Rott base is deathly silent, a macabre remnant of the hopefuls that once inhabited it. A note has been left behind on the noticeboard, and most of the valuable supplies seem to have already been looted.

Rologarth said :

Lieutenant's Log
Ivanday, Ire of Phyrrys 7th, 6A 3

My mind is in tatters. I can't believe what has transpired today. Today was supposed to be
everything we could have ever dreamed of. Our chance to make a difference here. Not
even I, in all of my pessimism could not have foreseen what has befallen us.

They're all gone. Every single one. I was assigned to wait at a rally point near Meiyerditch to aid in their extraction should everything go to Infernus. But they never came. Hour after tumultuous hour followed. I sat and I waited. I came back to Burgh de Rott to the whole place deserted.

All of our efforts were for nothing. We were destroyed, and now there is no hope left for the innocents of Morytania. I don't know what else to do now. I cannot hope to run everything on my own.

Ruin is all that remains here. An empty base in an empty town, littered with broken dreams, downtrodden survivors, and paralyzing fear. Though, someone did leave me something. One thing that can help me cope with this sudden and awful misadventure. It would be a mistake to write it down.

Unpropitious lie ahead of all of us east of the Salve. I hate to say it, but everything we have striven for is undone. We are ruined. The Myreque is no more.

Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

14-Sep-2015 23:04:18 - Last edited on 14-Sep-2015 23:20:16 by Rologarth

Oct Member 2023


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Quael said :
According to the new quest, it is taken in the 5th age, not only that, it is also the end of thee Myreque group, do you guys still plan to continue this rp?

I am aware, though I'd have to go through and edit dates on more posts than I could count or care to do. We do still plan on continuing, as it is the Myreque spirit.
Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

14-Sep-2015 23:38:00

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