
The Myreque

Quick find code: 237-238-899-65245150

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

Lieutenant's Log
Duneday, Septober 5th, 6A 3

Morytania cannot afford to let this threat go on unchallenged any further. The Tsardom has too many problems itself to tackle this effectively. So I've taken things into my own hands. I have assembled a taskforce to raid the new ghoul complex before they settle in. "Quintus" has thrown a wrench into my workings but now that his powers are known, I can plan around them. Unfortunately, I have had to pull nearly all of my strings. Most of the people in the party are either unfriendly at best, or mortal enemies at worst.

For their sakes and the sake of the mission, everyone will attend the raid disguised and have their scents masked. I will be working with my contacts to not only provide a scent neutralizer, but scented perfumes that will aid our more nasally inclined to identify one another anonymously in the dark or when separated.

I've got mages, healers, fighters... and I plan on using a two-handed crossbow. I intend on gathering more intel on the base before we strike, and much of my time before midnight on Erysail will be spent on reconnaissance and analyzing the contents of the ghoul's backpack. So far, a rough translation of the note mentions a mysterious "Master." No mention of intentions or goals yet, but I have others working on deciphering it.

As of now, this mission is a suicide run. But it is the only hope we have of reestablishing trade with the north. Mort'ton is in dire straights without those supplies. The few still alive there will wither if we do not work fast. And should we fail, whatever is coordinating the ghouls will expand beyond cutting off supply lines, I'm certain of that. And I do not want to see what they have planned.

Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

06-Aug-2015 00:12:54

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

Lieutenant's Log
Erysail, Septober 7th, 6A 3

I delivered the ghoul's pack to Cain in Canifis two days ago so that he may have his men research its contents before our raid tonight. I have yet to hear back from him. My scout had failed to report for duty, and so far, we are still going in blind.

I returned to Burgh de Rott to make my final preparations. Should I perish, Veliaf will appoint the new Lieutenant should any of my privates show excellent leadership qualities.

However, last night while watching the reeds between Burgh de Rott and the Mines from the fence, I felt a presence behind me.

I turned to see a black figure, shrouded in shadowy robes. Instinctively, I tried to shove it. However, it melted away like water at my strike. Then it spoke. It was a familiar, but disembodied voice. I had seen a shadow like him in the Canifis pub some time ago, where he spoke as if he knew me. And knew me he did, too much for me to be comfortable with. But then he vanished without a trace.

I demanded that he end the games, and he appeared once more. His familiar tone was not appreciated as he spoke of a mutual deal. He lead on with questions of Darkmeyer, Blisterwood, and Paterdomus. He proposed a dangerous trade, one that is too valuable for me to not consider. I can't write down the details, but I fear I may have to agree to his deal.

I don't like not knowing things. This anonymous shade arouses suspicion deep within me. I do not trust him at all. Yet I am inclined to take him up on his offer...

Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

07-Aug-2015 22:11:06

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

Lieutenant's Log
Twiblick, Septober 8th, 6A 3

We did it. The ghoul threat has been neutralized. We struck at their heart in their briny lair, deep in the Mort Ridge Mine. Salty pustules and ancient demonic magics stood in our way, but we floundered right on through like a pregnant cow. The ghouls, while enhanced by their demonic slugs, were no match for our uncoordinated effort. Our lack of cohesion wrought the full wrath of Morytania upon them.

It was a ****-show, but we won. Through brute force, might I add, because half the time the party failed to heed my warnings. The ghoul guards were easy enough to dispatch, and their egg chamber was cleansed with fire quick enough.

When we happened upon their queen, it put up a good fight. By then, our mage had retreated. Our shield recklessly charged the behemoth, trying in vain to cleave it in half. Our scout, too focused on striking the beast lightly, was injured and forced back into the shadows. The mercenary was nearly crushed and teleported away, leaving us to fend for ourselves. The only one who showed real promise through and through was the **cking gorilla man. Either way, when I mortally wounded the queen with holy water, a familiar face had popped up and decided to act.

"Quintus" had appeared halfway through the fight to observe us. Clearly he didn't know who he is **cking with because once the queen began to die, he sprung into action. By then, it was too late for him. I already had my crossbow trained on him and shot him off-balance. A vial of holy water quickly revealed his true form; a chthonian Ne**ryael. It was just gorilla man and I. Using his halberd he was able to block the beast's giant maw, bringing him down and exposing his back for a strike. I dropped my crossbow and pulled my sword, gripping it by the blade once more.

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Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

08-Aug-2015 21:34:22

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

Lieutenant's Log
Twiblick, Septober 8th, 6A 3

I struck its spine, then with a flick of my arm, grabbed my sword by the handle and plunged it deep into where its neck would have been if it had one. I made sure to look "Quintus" in his glowing red eyes as he began to crumble to dust. It was then that I noticed something skittering away. Now that I've thought about it, it was far too quick to be a slug. Gorilla man couldn't even get close to catching it. I feel that I will be meeting "Quintus" again. He thinks that he will be prepared next time... he likely won't consider I will be even more prepared.

After both the queen and "Quintus" were defeated we raided the rest of the complex. The ghouls were back to their feral ways, abandoning their weapons and tactics. We also found a bunch of sea slugs and a demonic summoning circle. Everything, ghouls, slugs, and demonic sigils, were destroyed. I did manage to find a mysterious tome in the same language as the odd note I found in the back pack. I will have it studied right away.

We sealed the entrance of the lair after our thorough cleansing by collapsing a portion of the mine. Morytania's trade routes are once again secured from ghoul attacks. However, one thing is still gnawing at me. A line "Quintus" spoke to me during our fight. He mentioned that the plan would continue, with or without the slug. And since I assume his consciousness escaped, his plan is still in motion. Hopefully the loss of both his body and the slug queen will set him back long enough for me to coordinate a much better and thorough response.

When "Quintus" shows his head once more, my sickle will already be poised to cut it off. Demons be damned, I will not let Morytania slip further into darkness.

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08-Aug-2015 21:56:23

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

Lieutenant's Log
Ivanday, Septober 10th, 6A 3

The air hangs thick over Burgh de Rott. Just last night Teodor went missing. The locals have already put up a poster, but I doubt we will find him. Just when one threat is ended, another shows up. The vampyres have their sights on us. I thought we were doing well at evading their attention... Veliaf has mentioned bringing in Vanstrom's killer once more. With the way things feel now, I second that motion.

The routes to and from Paterdomus are cleared for use once more, however they've fallen into disrepair due to the ghoul blockade. I will have to send a private or two up along the route to repair the bridges so mercenaries and refugees can once again take the quick and easy route.

I will miss Teodor. He helped me teach my recruits discipline and anger management. While I do not believe I will see him alive, I do hope that his passing was at least relatively quick. May he rest in peace.

Addendum: Caistleday, Septober 11th, 6A 3

I... don't understand. Three have gone missing so far. Vasile and little Catalina are gone now, taken away in the night. I was on patrol. I didn't see anything. Where are they coming from? How are they getting in? These vampyres are ruthless... they're not leaving a single trace. May the gods have mercy on us.

Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

10-Aug-2015 18:54:21 - Last edited on 15-Aug-2015 07:53:37 by Rologarth

Oct Member 2023


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Prishe said :
Elzbeth saw the notice and looked it over. Unsure of which mission to respond to she stood deliberating before signing her name to the list for tending the Hearth.

Myreque Prevail!

Got you down for it. I'll let you know when we start!
Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

11-Aug-2015 07:53:45

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

Lieutenant's Log
Twiblick, Septober 15th, 6A 3

The first two missions I have sent my new crew on have come back with mixed results. Kaizer and Elzbeth butted heads the whole time and split up, but collected the objective. They also killed a tither and covered their tracks while shaking him down for information... with necromancy.

Then Gwendolyn and Sloane fixed up the bridges around Mort'ton... but forgot the most important one over on the Snail Trail and threatened to break down Razmire's door. They fought off a shade, but then left an armored zombie to terrorize a bog under a freshly repaired bridge.

I've figured it out though. Who they need to be paired with. Kaizer and Sloane match up quite right. Cold, calculating, and resourceful. Gwen and Elzbeth share their knack of always having the right tools for the job. Hopefully pairing them up like this for future missions will improve unit cohesion.

But the real victory today came from the shade... a chthonian demon. We explored some tunnels, traversed a ghetto or two, and ended up in the possession of something that made Veliaf and I very, very happy. Now, I am drawing up some schematics for it... or at least I was, before I had to have Billy make a depth charge to handle the submerged tin can over by the Mort Myre. Now he, Kaizer, and Gwen are working on some magnetic fishing net. A waste of resources if you ask me.

I am currently sitting in the corner, drinking and writing. I am far too sober to deal with all of them in one room. Saradomin preserve me.

Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

12-Aug-2015 02:50:32 - Last edited on 15-Aug-2015 08:04:28 by Rologarth

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