
The Myreque

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Rologarth said :

Lieutenant's Log
Duneday, Fentuary 8th 11, 6A 3

This entry will be a bit more lighthearted than my usual ones. Today I woke up on Aurel's roof, halfway hanging off the edge with a massive headache and half my face covered in drool. Sloane, the washed up pirate, and Elzbeth, our resident mage, are up here too and still passed out. It appears the celebrations we had last night were a bit excessive.

I suppose I should get to the reason for the celebrations. No, we didn't strike a vampyre supply line nor did we assassinate some important werewolf. We simply played a good, long game of skullball across Burgh de Rott. Four showed up to my invitation to a "team building exercise." Sloane and Elzbeth, obviously, as well as Kivan and Gwen. We ditched our gear and split up into two teams. Gwen, Sloane and I were the Balmish Ballers, while Kivan and Elzbeth were the Magic Might. I liked my name better.

The Balmish Ballers made a quick win in the first of five rounds, but we couldn't really hold up against Magic Might in the long run. They beat us 3 out of 5 rounds, but hey. I had fun that didn't involve alcohol for once.

And that brings us to the general store's roof. I invited everyone up here for a celebratory drink. Gwen took the loss a bit hard and went off on her own, but everyone else joined me. We drank whiskey, except for Kivan who drank wine. He is so easy to poke fun at. We shared tales of one another to help Sloane feel welcome in the Burgh. Then everything gets a bit hazy.

All-in-all, the exercise was a success. Everyone seemed a bit happier and more energetic last night. With any luck I can keep that momentum going.
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08-Jul-2015 17:09:03

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

Lieutenant's Log
Ivanday, Fentuary 13th 11, 6A 3

Last week I played host to an old acquaintance of mine. He bore an olive branch from his kin, promising trust and mutual sharing of information as well as additional traffic to our port in Burgh de Rott. I had him agree to limiting the number of shipments and having my men ferry all the supplies to a drop off point like with my last arrangement. I went and passed it all by Veliaf for approval with my high recommendation. Now we will be getting decent food fairly regular interval. We can finally wean ourselves off of snails and old ration packs.

Something, however, has been bothering me. My acquaintance's willingness to accept my terms so quickly, as well as his eagerness to seek me out in the first place, is cause for concern. I wonder what has been happening on his end of Morytania to cause such need for my "services"... I've had my hands full myself down here keeping an eye out for any unwanted visitors. The rumors are only growing more common and causing unease in the town. I cannot afford to let up my vigil. Not for one second.
Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

14-Jul-2015 04:42:35 - Last edited on 14-Jul-2015 05:00:00 by Rologarth

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

Lieutenant's Log
Erysail, Fentuary 17th 11, 6A 3

If I were to say that things are going without a hitch, I would be lying. I decided, against my better judgement, to bring our recruit Gwen in as a full Private. I gifted her her own sickle and brought her down to the base. However, not ten minutes after doing so, her employer Erica broke our trapdoor to deliver produce.

I treated her as an enemy combatant. I chased her up into the pub and held her at crossbow point, vehemently lecturing her on exactly how badly she had screwed up. As my blood simmered down from its boil, I gave her a chance (once again against my better judgement) to repent. But I needed a body for Velia*. She expended the divine energy she collected to make food bubbles to make a copy of her body. A simulacrum, according to my more knowledgeable sources. I was able to make it look like it put up a fight and was going to bring it to the base when I noticed Erica speaking to herself.

She quickly said that there was a presence in the pub ruins that spoke to her. I drilled her with questions until it decided to give me a hint. I felt my back itch. I forced him to step out of his damn shadow plane or whatever he calls it and proceeded to lecture the both of them on how asinine it is to betray my security protocols like this and that if it happened again, I would have to engage the both of them.

However, he came with some news. From the vantage point of his new keep, he has noticed ghouls making strange movements and actively seeking out beings to attack. I tried to discount his worries, but what he was saying did cause me concern. This came to a head a few days later when Elzabeth came back injured, reporting a ghoul attack. They wielded weapons and knew flanking tactics. I've issued orders for all Myreque to avoid the ghoul yards near the Mort Myre and Viggora's Folly. I'm going to have to do something about this.

Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

17-Jul-2015 16:21:34

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

Lieutenant's Log
Duneday, Fentuary 22th 11, 6A 3

I have taken my first steps toward better safeguarding Burgh de Rott. With the vampyre resurgence to the east and the ghoul attacks to the north, I gathered my best minds here in the Burgh: Billy, Sloane, Bun, and Gwen (With Erica's assistance) to discuss protecting the town. For security's sake, I will not be writing down any of the specifics in this log, in case it were to fall into enemy hands. We decided to go with my base designs for the traps, but both Billy and Sloane had some revisions that I okayed. I also managed to get Bun to work with Sloane about using some elven-designed traps and possibly expanding our trapping network significantly.

I treated my brainstorming group to some fresh meat and water that came in via boat this past week. It seemed to boost both morale and creativity. The group split up with Gwen and Billy staying behind to discuss chemical reactions while Sloane and Bun went off to scout. I tracked them down to give them some supplies to fend for themselves out there. That's when I ran into an acquaintance of mine.

I've accepted a contract. It pays enough for a year's worth of work. It's dangerous, but that money will be a great asset with the trade we have going. He even offered a bonus big enough to buy a mansion to rival Cain's if I complete an optional objective, but I may have to pass on that for my own safety. Either way, we had to cut the meeting short when Bun and Sloane happened upon us. I played it off as if he were trying to tithe me and talked him off. Now everyone's back in town.

Tomorrow we get the bulk of the supplies in. We will have a busy week ahead of us.

Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

22-Jul-2015 09:05:42

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

Lieutenant's Log
Twibilick, Septober 1st 11, 6A 3

Today has been a long and arduous day. I borrowed Kivan's riveted gambeson and breeches while borrowing some steel gauntlets, boots, and a shield from some passing mercenaries. I took a sil*thril sword from one of Erica's supply drops and headed into Canifis to attend the meeting regarding the ghoul attacks in disguise.

Only one other showed up to the meeting, a human-looking merchant. Cain was frustrated, but still asked us to investigate a graveyard near an abandoned castle. On our way out, I noticed we were being watched. We arrived at the graveyard with no incident and the merchant examine the graves for signs of tampering. That's when he found signs of a secret entrance, mentioning it looked like an old Myreque supply route, but he had never heard of this one before.

Apprehensive of our situation, I did not have the time to think too hard on his words. I kept an eye out on the fog to ensure we would not be snuck up on while he searched for the switch. Eventually, he found one. The crypt slowly ground open, and the smell of freshly extinguished torches met our nostrils. They knew we were here. We both agreed that entering the lair was a bad idea. I distanced myself from the merchant and contacted Cain via means that I will detail later on. However, I was interrupted by another grave opening. A zombie shambled out, followed by a ghoul surfacing from a nearby bog. As I readied myself for a fight an arrow flew and impacted the ghoul, knocking it down. Another arrow hit it in the head, but did not seem to fully kill it, as something was still moving in it.

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01-Aug-2015 08:17:30 - Last edited on 04-Aug-2015 05:25:13 by Rologarth

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

Lieutenant's Log
Twibilick, Septober 1st 11, 6A 3

I moved to cut the ghoul's head off, and out from its neck popped a long, red slug. I was able to pin it with my shield and ended up having to strangle it to death to "capture" it. I pinned it to the ground with a dagger packed in my boot, then moved to assist the merchant. Surprisingly, he had incapacitated the zombie with only one arrow from our mysterious savior. I finished it off and tried to catch the slug from that one, but it managed to get away.

As we collected our things, the archer showed himself. A Praven I've seen a few times around Canifis. We exchanged no words and we went our separate ways after I grabbed the dead slug. The merchant and I made our way back to Canifis and reported to Cain, who was already sitting down with the Praven. We were each paid handsomely for our work. I followed the merchant out after the meeting was dismissed and made sure he was human. He is a merchant living in Mort'ton and I gifted him a means of contacting me. That's when Cain arrived.

He interrupted me, and shortly after, he was interrupted himself by a mist floating in. I drew a vial of holy water as the vampyre demisted. It was Lady Salvenos, come to bother Cain presumably. She was, in turn, interrupted by a female mage named Lori. The short meeting was then, and I was sensing a theme there, interrupted by a piercing howl from the east. Cain went into a panic and transformed, saying that the abominations he had witnessed before must be back.

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01-Aug-2015 08:31:48 - Last edited on 04-Aug-2015 05:25:26 by Rologarth

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

Lieutenant's Log
Twibilick, Septober 1st 11, 6A 3

When he had told me of the being a few days prior, he mentioned it was rotted and had its claws and wings fused with silver and possessed a life-draining aura. I had instructed him to keep a druid pouch handy, figuring that the being's drain was linked somehow to Ghasts. I also assumed that since it still had flesh, that the magic binding it was bound to the flesh and would be susceptible to slashing.

Back to the meeting, I sent the merchant on his way as Cain and I departed for the source of the noise. Lady Slavenos and Lori followed suit, claiming that they are nosy and want to investigate. We arrived at a drained body of a feral vyre, which confirmed our fears. Cain then tracked its scent right to the source, where it was devouring and dismembering another feral vampyre. I split us up to flank the beast, then when it moved to walk away, I tried to draw its attention. That was a mistake.

Almost faster than I could react, the creature wailed as it flung itself at me. It's silver claws and bladed silver wings tore right through my shield. If the mage didn't slow it down with a water strike, it would have skewered me. It then tore my shield away from me and discarded it at the mage, who shattered it with magic.

I took refuge behind a tree where I drew my crossbow and loaded it up. I peeked around to see the abomination being attacked and having its wing ripped off. Once Cain and the Salvenos were stunned, I fired a silver-tipped shot that hit the creature in the back. Surprisingly, it caused the flesh to crumble away quickly. I called out the new strategy, and Cain stabbed the thing in the head with its own severed, silver-tipped wing.

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01-Aug-2015 08:42:28 - Last edited on 04-Aug-2015 05:25:37 by Rologarth

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

Lieutenant's Log
Twibilick, Septober 1st 11, 6A 3

The flesh crumbled from it, then it struck Cain away. That's when the mage fired a bolt of divine lightening that melted the flesh right off of the creature and proved one of my theories wrong... the magic was bound in its bones. I put up my crossbow and reversed the grip on my sword, holding it by the blade. As it went to try to kill the mage, Cain and I set upon it. Our druid pouches weakened the magic holding the body together and our strikes brought it down. I collected as much of the remains as I could while everyone began to recover. Once everyone was on their feet, we made it back to Canifis where I split off from Cain and the others.

Now, I guess I can talk about how I am talking to people who are far off. With the money I gained from an earlier contract, Billy and I set off to the west and purchased a bag full of Slayer Gems. Billy was able to modify them to be able to contact one another or only specific ones. I was able to pass them out to recruits and allies, using my own gem as a "master" that could contact them all. This is somewhat important, as my gem was being contacted for most of both fights.

I called around until Elzabeth answered. As it turns out, it was her who was trying to reach me. She had been attacked by a werewolf and was trying to request aid, but none came. Luckily, someone happened along and managed to get her out of there. She is understandably upset, but I had to tell her that she was unlucky. The things I accomplished tonight were of great importance, even if I could have answered her calls. She is trying to heal a bit more before she returns to Morytania, and I will escort her back to the Burgh when she is ready.

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01-Aug-2015 08:50:48 - Last edited on 04-Aug-2015 05:25:49 by Rologarth

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

Lieutenant's Log
Twibilick, Septober 1st 11, 6A 3

And lastly, but certainly not least... our preparations in Burgh de Rott are complete. I have recommended Sloane to be initiated into the Myreque for his service to the city and people, and I doubt Veliaf will have any problem with that. I expect him to be initiated before Ivanday. Now he is working on a few extra surprises with Bun. I cannot wait to see what they can accomplish.

Now I just need to get a drink so I can rest easy for the night...

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01-Aug-2015 08:54:00 - Last edited on 04-Aug-2015 05:25:57 by Rologarth

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

Lieutenant's Log
Ivanday, Septober 3rd, 6A 3

Klios has made landfall in Morytania once more. I met him at the north shore with a sack containing most of the coin I have earned in recent weeks. I handed them over to him to commission me a ship from his favored shipyards. In about a month's time, I should have a galleon so glorious, even Klios himself may be jealous. I am still trying to find a crew to staff the ship. I will ask Sylar next time we meet and I have the time to think.

Klios and I talked at length of recent woes and concerns. He had happily offered his help to seal off the ruins that the For** left opened. Morytania does not need more of those abominations being... uninterred. He will be drawing from rites similar to those used to bless the holy Salve. I have already contacted Cain about this, but other events may keep us busy for a while.

Elzabeth finally was ready to come back to Morytania. I was to meet her and escort her back, but fortune did not see it fit to pass. After initiating Sylar for his service to Burgh de Rott, I sent him and Kivan ahead and I would meet up with them. However, they came across a ghoul transporting supplies to what I believe is their new base. I had them move on to collect Elzabeth while I began preparations for our incursion and examined the contents of its backpack. I am waiting on a response from Cain, but if I must wait too long I will have to give the go without him.


While tinkering with the taps in the bar, I was accosted by a man in dark robes. He called himself "Quintus." He said he wanted the contents of the ghoul's backpack, and I promptly told him to **** off. Then he went invisible. I tried to lead him into a trap, but he stayed at the bar. I hit him with whiskey to track him, but then he went into the basement. I persued, but now Veliaf is ****** that his base smells like alcohol. The ghouls burn soon.

Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

04-Aug-2015 05:17:37 - Last edited on 05-Aug-2015 23:57:24 by Rologarth

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