Screen-Name: PaneraXBread
Character Name: Shaikah Camafleur
Character Race: Human
Valuable Skills: Expert Hunter, tracker, survivalist, courier (Endurance runner), Sharpshooter, Sorceress by trait, hunter by skill
Last Myreque Quest Done: In Aide, but have all the reqs to do 'em all.
Brief History: Shaikah was originally born to a family of skilled hunters, her father gifted with the bow, and her mother gifted with a communion to nature and wind magic. Shaikah received training from both her parents from age 5 until she was, in their eyes better than they were. At age 19 Shaikah moved from her home in the forests of Asgarnia and traveled around various kingdoms, hunting game: Foxes, Wolves, Dragons, Dogs, Elves (If the chance presents itself), Werewolves, Vyres, Frogs, etc. She has established and created little encampments around various kingdoms in their forests, hidden from view and booby-trapped. Shaikah at age 26 upon establishing an encampment in the thick forests of Morytania, quite simply put was there to hunt werewolves. Her intended target was drunk, and from 400 meters away, put him down through the left eyeball up the brain, but in the process injured a Vyre. She was in definite trouble then and hasn't been back until now, at age 29. Shaikah has decided her pet baby blue dragon "Prossy" needs to see the world and learn how to hunt dirty wolves beside her. She was wanted last time she had arrived, but her encampment remained hidden. She won't be staying permanently, she prefers to roam as she pleases, but will make appearances, last time she was there she was a useful tracker for the rebellion.
04-Oct-2017 21:16:56