
† [ Beneath the Blood Sky ] †

Quick find code: 237-238-767-65934032

Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile


The skies of Morytania hold an unnatural crimson light every day. The air filled with clouds of mosquitoes, their incessant buzzing impossible to ignore. Some believe the blood-red sky to be a simple astral phenomenon. Others call it the beginning of the end.

Related or not, there is trouble brewing in Morytania. After the river nearly ran red with blood, the country grew quiet - until now. Now a new force is growing within the blood-soaked swamps -
The Church of Lowerniel
. This group is ever-expanding, gaining more and more vampyric members as it preaches the ways of the deceased Lowerniel Vergidiyad Drakan. The Church, for short, promotes the elevation of Vampyres far, far above humans, and actively seeks to encourage Vampyre-kind to stand against the humans of the west.

Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

23-Jul-2017 08:29:20 - Last edited on 23-Jul-2017 11:46:49 by Last Deterro

Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
† [
] †

Page 1 - Introduction

1 - Foreword
2 - Index
3 - Introduction
4 - Noticeboard
5 - Roster
6 - Recruitment & Organization
7 - Application and Recommended Equipment
8 - Resources & Training
9 - Journal Entries and Important Information <-- READ HERE
10 - Rules

Page 2 - Full Roster

1 - The Roster
6 - The Mausoleum

Page 3 - Expanded Noticeboard
1 - Noticeboard

Page 4 - Resources & Training
1 - Burgh De'Rott resources
2 - Meiyerditch Bunker Resources
3 - Training & Techniques

Page 5 - The Meiyerditch Sewer Base

Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

23-Jul-2017 08:30:25 - Last edited on 31-Jan-2018 11:15:46 by Last Deterro

Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
† [
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Beneath the Blood Sky is a roleplaying group focused primarily on Morytania in the sixth age, focusing on the tattered remnants of the vampyric resistance known as
The Myreque
, who despite countless failings and half-successes, stand once again against the Vampyric threat of the east.

What can I expect from joining?
This kind of roleplay isn't for everyone - It's sometimes dark and gritty, survival in Morytania is often a tenuous proposition...And those who are ill-equipped and unwilling to learn will find themselves face-down in the mud.

The tasks you face will be tough, and the opponents terrible. But, the Myreque banded together might be the only hope of stopping the Vampyric threat before it's too late. It will be desperate, it will be tough, but it will be accomplished no-matter the cost.

Some say that Morytania is a fire that tempers - Those who walk into it's depths either burn to ashes or walk out forever reforged and strengthened.

Choices matter
This roleplaying group is done in a sandbox style - which is to say, you're given a large amount of freedom as long as you aren't ludicrous. With this, however, comes with the fact that your character must act responsibly - If you leave a trail of bodies and act carelessly, you could condemn not only yourself, but your brothers and sisters in arms. There are consequences for everything you do, especially if you don't think things through. This is not for the faint of heart.

Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

23-Jul-2017 08:31:54 - Last edited on 31-Jan-2018 10:00:35 by Last Deterro

Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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The information available here is being moved to our Rollz wiki. Ask any active member how to join it if you're unsure of what it is.

News travels slowly in the Myre, and knowledge is power. Sitting in the base is a cork noticeboard with several documents and scraps of paper on it - written reports, newspaper clippings, maps and other bits and pieces intending to keep people informed.

Various job and mission listings can also be found on the noticeboard, things from supply runs to investigations. Additionally, anyone can put a patrol report up on the notice board if they believe something is worth investigating.
Missions listings found here.

========= The Noticeboard =========

=== News Clippings ===

A New Plague on The Wind?

A new pest is quickly spreading across Morytania - Mosquitoes! Origin unknown, these mosquitoes are of irritably large size, and are potentially carrying disease. Be wary!

=== Posters, papers and maps ===

A few vampyric propaganda posters catch your eye...They look like they've had several knives buried into them before.

Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

23-Jul-2017 08:32:07 - Last edited on 15-Jun-2018 11:18:12 by Last Deterro

Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
† [
] †

This is a quick roster at-a-glance. More detail on long-time characters can be found on the full roster page .

Organized: Character name (In-game name): Profession


(Isaac Stark)


Misaldi Icau (Misaldi Icau): Tactician & Slayer

The Myreque

Proteus Galesong (Siarnaq): Thaumaturge

Hallie Cornelia Lazwin (1 Sided Coin): Survivalist

Damien (God Rovin): Brawler


Nibbles the Traveling Trunk: Luggage
Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

23-Jul-2017 08:32:37 - Last edited on 28-Jan-2018 02:23:10 by Last Deterro

Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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Despite being backed by the royal court of Misthalin, the Myreque have been all but forgotten by most. They lack formal order, true military authority and any real voice in most goings-on. What they make this up with, however, is their elusiveness and connections, a network of contacts underground which spans out far across the west, often able to reach anyone and everyone - though this does not guarantee they will listen.

Regardless, the group has little order at present as it is re-establishing itself from the ground up. The Myreque's unshakeable leader is Calsidiu , a figure who sticks to the shadows where possible to co-ordinate everything. Orders and directives are relayed through him to his lieutenants, and through them, to the rest of the Myreque. Misaldi is one such lieutenant. Misaldi's authority is not absolute, and his orders should be followed out of respect rather than fear of reprimand.

Joining is easy, as long as you prove yourself to be trustworthy, and desertion comes just as easily - only the disappointment of your fellow brothers and sisters in arms follows leaving the cause.

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Recruitment and Requirements
] †

If you wish to join the group, either contact the leader, Siarnaq , or myself, Misaldi Icau , or fill out an application on the forums (see the page below). Alternatively, contact one of the other Myreque members in-game.

* Completion of the quest "In Aid Of The Myreque", preferably "Darkness of Hallowvale"
* Completion of the quest "Nature Spirit" in order to be able to wield a blessed sickle
* The more Myreque quests completed, the better
Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

23-Jul-2017 08:35:11 - Last edited on 25-Jul-2017 10:03:52 by Last Deterro

Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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Application form
] †

Simply fill in the small form in bold below, post it on the forum and we'll get to you as soon as possible. If, for some reason, we've not responded in a timely manner, by all means message myself or Siarnaq and we'll get right on it.


Character Name:

Character Race:

Valuable Skills:

Last Myreque Quest Done:

Brief History:

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Recommended Equipment
] †

Salve Mercenary

Characters that have been drawn to the Myreque by the Misthalin Mercinary Protocol are generally more flexible in their gear, often having complete control over what they wear. Full sets of armor are easier to find, as well as decent quality weapons. However, these characters tend to stand out among the citizens of Morytania and can oftentimes be tithed or harassed during regular travel.

Morytanian Rebel

As a Myreque, access to decent armor is a rarity. More often than not, full sets of armor are hard to come by. Most Myreque wear donated, found or home-made armor, likely in a state of disrepair. These characters are harder to pick out of a crowd in Morytania and often go unnoticed during regular travel. This suggestion should be observed by those who roleplay serious characters who are born, or intend to stay in, Morytania.
Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

23-Jul-2017 08:35:37 - Last edited on 26-Jul-2017 09:46:43 by Last Deterro

Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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Training - Overview
] †

This is a brief overview of the resources available to the Myreque, both physical and otherwise. Every piece of metal, every coin, every scrap of dry wood, counts for something. What the Myreque lack in physical possessions they make up for in knowledge. The best techniques, as they say, are passed on by the survivors. See the full training list here.

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Resources - Overview
] †

Below is a brief overview of the resources at each of the various bases. As time goes on, more bases will be made available, and resources will obviously change accordingly. If your character takes something from the Myreque's resources, even if stealthily, let the GM know so that the list can be maintained.

Each header links to the full resources page for that particular base.

Living supplies measured by time, using dd/mm format.

Food: Low
Water: Low
Firewood: Low
Coins: 1,200

Meieyerditch Bunker Base:

Meiyerditch Sewer Base:
Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

23-Jul-2017 08:35:45 - Last edited on 29-Jan-2018 22:48:57 by Last Deterro

Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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Journal Entries
] †

Below are a series of journal entries, logs and notes made by Misaldi and Proteus, writing down about important events and going-ons around them recently. The logs are posted here strictly for out-of-character enjoyment and are not to be acknowledged unless an in-character reason is provided .

Misaldi has made it clear that any fingers that stray into his backpack will be used as bait while fishing for sharks.

Recent Logs:

† [
Important Information
] †

Below is a list of the latest information the Myreque have available to them

Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

23-Jul-2017 08:35:58 - Last edited on 15-Jun-2018 11:22:25 by Last Deterro

Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
† [
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Jagex's Offcial Rules Apply.

This is self-explanatory. These are the non-negotiable rules that everyone must abide by.

Roleplay is For Fun, Treat it as Such.

Getting upset over in-character happenings is trivial. While we are all subject to this at one point or another, causing drama over it is pointless. It is far better to strike a happy-medium than to argue until someone walks away angry.

Be Creative, but don't go off the rails.

Myreque roleplay has a certain charm about it, being the underdog heroes of Morytania. To retain this charm, it is asked that all participants ensure that they don't stray too far from the point of plausibility. While lorebending is allowed, and some custom-lore is integrated into the core of the group, it's done so in a way that doesn't over-power characters in one way or another.

Act Like A Reasonable, Mature Person.

This is an extension of the two sections above. Use common sense, be kind and courteous, and do not antagonize anyone. If someone relentlessly bugs you, make use of the ignore feature and carry on. Behaving like a rational adult is greatly appreciated by not only me, but the vast majority of the world.

Beneath the Blood Sky is Semi-Private.

This group has a "semi-private" policy when it comes to interacting with other groups - this is, simply, that groups can pick-and-choose which parts of our custom-lore they recognize, but likewise, we retain the rights to pick-and-choose what we abide by. This is simply to allow interaction with other groups without completely messing up continuity and lore.
Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

23-Jul-2017 08:37:41 - Last edited on 25-Jul-2017 11:41:21 by Last Deterro

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