
Martial Wrestling Thread is locked

Quick find code: 237-238-302-65353024

heretic hary

heretic hary

Posts: 3,137 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
*Enemy grabs Sicarius from behind, around the waist.*
*Sicarius tried to grab the index finger of Enemy's upper hand with Sicarius'--
--closest hand, and turn around to face Enemy to face him, while stepping--
--behind Enemy through the side of his upper hand, and trying to break the--
--grabbed finger in the process.*

Counter with the Leg Throw
When a character grabs yours around the hips and is behind your character, turn around slightly and bring both feet close to his/her feet, either the left or right side. Grab the leg on the opposite side above the knee, with both hands. If the other character doesn't release yours, yank the leg up to throw the other character back onto his/her head.

*Enemy grabs Sicarius from behind, around the waist.*
*Sicarius turned slightly to his right, while stepping both feet to Enemy's--
--left foot, and trying to grab Enemy's right leg with both hands, above the--
--knee. If successful, Sicarius would yank the knee up to force Enemy to fall--
--back on his head.*

The Third Hold
To throw the other character on his/her back: bring your character down to grab at the back of each knee, right hand to the left leg and left hand to the right leg. Lift as high as possible, and attempt a knee strike to the groin in the process. Then, bend down to hold both knees with one arm, use the other however your character wants.

*Sicarius brought himself low, to try grabbing the back of Enemy's right knee--
--with the left hand, and left knee with the right. If successful, Sicarius--
--would yank Enemy's knees up, to force him to fall on his back, while trying--
--a right knee strike to Enemy's groin.*
*Enemy was seized by Sicarius and thrown onto his back, the knee strike causing debilitating pain.*
*Sicarius then bent down to grab both of Enemy's knees with his right arm, and--

20-Apr-2014 16:07:41 - Last edited on 20-Apr-2014 16:35:10 by heretic hary

heretic hary

heretic hary

Posts: 3,137 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Five "Death-Blows"
To clear up any confusion, these aren't one-hit kills but techniques that are meant to weaken an adversary so victory will be much easier from there.

First Death-blow: grab the opposing character anywhere with the left hand above the waist. While doing that, use a full-powered punch with the right hand to the contestant's heart. Then continue fighting.

*Sicarius tried grabbing Enemy with the left hand at the right side of the--
--abdomen, and pull Enemy towards Sicarius while trying a full-strength,--
--right punch to Enemy's heart. If both parts worked, the force was meant to--
--disrupt the heartbeat (but not stop it) and put Enemy into a state of shock.*

Second Death-blow: With the left hand, grab the foe above the belt, then smash either knee against his/her groin. Continue fighting with the best attacks your character has.

*Sicarius tried grabbing Enemy with the left hand at the top of the right--
--shoulder, and pull Enemy toward Sicarius while trying a right-knee smash--
--against Enemy's groin, with bone-shattering force to break the pelvic bones--
--and cause debilitating pain.*

Third Death-blow: With the left hand, grab the foe above the belt, then use the right hand to punch the contestant as hard as possible against the temples. Continue fighting with the best attacks your character has.

*Sicarius tried grabbing Enemy with the left hand at the top of the right--
--shoulder and pull Enemy towards Sicarius, while trying a right punch with--
--one knuckle protruding to the temples, to deliver an instant, debilitating--
--concussion or knock out Enemy.*

Fourth Death-blow: Punch both fists against the neck, as hard as your character can. Then continue fighting.

20-Apr-2014 16:07:50 - Last edited on 20-Apr-2014 16:36:00 by heretic hary

heretic hary

heretic hary

Posts: 3,137 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
*Sicarius stepped his right side forward while trying to punch both fists at--
--what looked like the abdomen, but at the last second Sicarius heaved his--
--arms up to send the dual-fisted punch to Enemy's neck, and disrupt blood--
--flow to the brain and possibly break the neck.*

Fifth Death-blow: Make a right-handed punch to the abdomen as hard as your character can. Then grab the right arm on the biceps with the left hand. Use the right arm to grab the opposing character around the left side. Move the back to be in front of his/her hips, so both right legs are next to each other; throw him/her over the hip.

*Sicarius passed forward right while trying a right punch to Enemy's abdomen--
--as hard as he could, to make Enemy double over. If successful, Sicarius--
--tried grabbing Enem'ys right arm on the biceps with the left hand, Sicarius'--
--right arm trying to grab Enemy around the left side and twist Enemy's back--
--to Sicarius' chest, and throw Enemy over Sicarius' hip onto the back of his--

The Third through Fifth Leg-breaks
Third Leg-break: When an adversary tries grabbing your character, grab the hand from below, with your left. Bring the right hand under his/her same shoulder as the outstretched hand, grab the opponent and spin his/her back towards your chest while stepping your right foot to his/her right leg. Keeping the other character pressed against yours, dislocate the shoulder of the seized arm if the other character won't give up. If you want, throw the contestant over your right leg, but keep him/her in the arm lock.

20-Apr-2014 16:08:00 - Last edited on 20-Apr-2014 16:36:32 by heretic hary

heretic hary

heretic hary

Posts: 3,137 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
*Enemy extends his right arm to try grabbing, punching or wrestling Sicarius.*
*Sicarius brought his left hand up to try seizing Enemy's outstretched hand--
--from beneath, at the wrist; while trying to slip his right hand under--
--Enemy's right shoulder, and grab Enemy to spin him so Enemy's back was to--
--Sicarius' chest, then throw Enemy over Sicarius' right leg and land face--
--first on the ground, keeping Enemy's arm in the hold.*

Fourth Leg-Break: As before, grab the hand the adversary is trying to use to grab your character. Slip your whole body under the same arm, and twist it while tripping his/her foot on the opposite side, to force the opposing character to fall to the ground.

*Enemy extends his right arm to try grabbing, punching or wrestling Sicarius.*
*Sicarius tried to grab Enemy's outstretched hand with both hands at the wrist--
--while driving through with the head and body under Enemy's right arm. If--
--done, Sicarius then twisted Enemy's arm from behind while trying to trip--
--Enemy's left foot to force Enemy to fall.*

Fifth Leg-Break: There are variants of the fifth leg-break, and these actually involve grabbing the leg (unlike the rest.)
First variant: grab the closest leg, one hand at the ankle and the other hand at the knee. Then throw the foe, spin him/her or twist the leg to break the joints at the knee and ankle.

*Sicarius nimbly ducked low, and tried grabbing the ankle of Enemy's nearest--
--leg with the left hand and the and knee of the same leg with the right, then--
--yanking the leg up to throw Enemy off-balance while twisting it to dislocate--
--the knee and ankle.*

Second variant: grab the nearest leg with both hands, just above the ankle. Spin, and yank that leg over your shoulder to throw the adversary to the ground, and then twist the ankle.

20-Apr-2014 16:08:07 - Last edited on 20-Apr-2014 16:37:01 by heretic hary

heretic hary

heretic hary

Posts: 3,137 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
*Sicarius nimbly ducked low, trying to grab Enemy's nearest leg just above the--
--ankle with both hands, then tear Enemy's seized leg over Sicarius' right--
--shoulder, to cause Enemy to fall onto his back. Also, Sicarius then tried--
--twisting the ankle to dislocate it.*

If your character is grabbed around the arms (not the forearms) with the contestant in front of your character, and your left foot is leading, and the opponent's right leg is forward and left of your left foot; seeking to pull your character closer: pass your left leg back, using the left hand to grab his right leg and the right hand to punch him in the abdomen, and floor him/her.

*Enemy tries grabbing Sicarius around the arms, Enemy's right foot leading, outside of Sicarius' left foot; then pull Sicarius to him.*
*Enemy does grab Sicarius around the arms. Sicarius pulled his leading left--
--leg rapidly behind him, while trying to grab Enemy's right leg with the left--
--hand and deliver a right punch to Enemy's abdomen, to make him fall to the--
--ground once yanking the leg.*

Kick to the Back of the Knee
If the foe grabs your character from behind, around the shoulders, bring your nearest arm into the inside of the elbow on his/her leading side. With the other hand, grab that arm and pull it to the other side, while trying to grab the throat with the other hand. In yanking his/her leading arm to the opposite side, the heel of the leading leg should be facing towards your character. Kick the back of the knee on that leg to make the adversary fall.

20-Apr-2014 16:15:58 - Last edited on 20-Apr-2014 16:37:43 by heretic hary

heretic hary

heretic hary

Posts: 3,137 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
*Enemy manages to grab Sicarius from behind, around the shoulders, his left side leading.*
*Sicarius drove his left arm up into the inside of Enemy’* left elbow to break--
--the grip, then tried grabbing above Enemy’* left wrist with the right hand--
--and pulling it up, across to Enemy’s right to turn Enemy’* left heel towards--
--Sicarius. Moving the left hand to try seizing Enemy’s throat, Sicarius tried--
--kicking the back of Enemy’* left leg to send him to the floor.*

Digging Throw
Force his/her left hand outward with your right. Then bring your right hand down between the legs, lifting him/her up while punching the chest with your left fist, to force the opponent to fall backwards and land on his/her head.

*Sicarius tried a right punch to Enemy’* left hand, to push it outside of the--
--two fighters. Then Sicarius brought his right hand between Enemy’s legs and--
--tried lifting Enemy up while punching Enemy with the left fist to force--
--Enemy to fall back onto his head.*

Defense against a Pull
If the foe uses both hands to grab one of yours and wants to pull your character towards him/her, slide the right arm under his left, across the chest. Grab the chest, and bring your left hand down to grab the back of the nearest knee. From there, you can easily flip the other character over so he/she lands on his/her head.

*Enemy grabs Sicarius’ left hand with both hands, and tries pulling Sicarius towards him.*
*Sicarius drives his right arm under Enemy’* left and across the chest to jam--
--Enemy’* left arm while trying to grab Enemy by the chest, while bringing the--
--left hand down to grab the back of Enemy’s nearest knee, and then push--
--Enemy’s chest back and pull the leg up to force Enemy to fall back on his--

20-Apr-2014 16:16:06 - Last edited on 20-Apr-2014 16:38:14 by heretic hary

heretic hary

heretic hary

Posts: 3,137 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Defense against a Two-Hand Grip around the Chest
If someone wraps both hands around your character’s chest, grab his/her left hand with your right, pulling it up while grabbing the left elbow with your left hand; twist the forearm to the outside while pulling the elbow to the inside if you wish to dislocate the arm. While doing this, twist your right foot around his left foot, and use that to trip him/her while pushing them over after breaking the arm.

*Enemy manages to wrap both arms around Sicarius’ chest, underneath the arms.*
*Sicarius drives his right hand high and grabs Enemy’* left hand, yanking it--
--up while using his left hand to seize Enemy’* left elbow, twisting the--
--forearm away from Enemy and the elbow towards Enemy to try dislocating the--
--elbow or shoulder, while twisting his right foot around Enemy’* left; then--
---pushing forward to try knocking Enemy down.*

Pulling away both Legs
Grab the back of the left knee with the right hand, and the back of the right knee with the left hand, pulling the legs up. When the legs have been pulled high enough, keep pulling, but detach one hand to punch the adversary’s chest to help him/her with falling backwards onto his/her head.

*Sicarius nimbly tried grabbing the back of Enemy’s right knee with the left--
--hand and the back of the left knee with the right hand, then yanking them up--
--to force Enemy to fall backwards. When the knees had been pulled above the--
--waist, Sicarius detached his left hand and tried a hard punch to Enemy’s--
--abdomen, to try insuring Enemy would land head-first.*

20-Apr-2014 16:16:15 - Last edited on 20-Apr-2014 16:38:48 by heretic hary

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