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Quick find code: 237-238-278-66262001

Jan Member 2018


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Undeath Of A Salesman

Side quest: Inventor trouble

While traveling, they stopped by Falador to deal with another warehouse of a corrupt business man. The group agreed to help their inventor and entered Falador. Once located, four had snuck into the building to plant timed explosive. But, they discovered that not only is there a project being done with the material to create masterwork, they also discovered a substance of dark purple/black energy.

Once the warehouse was destroyed, they've come to learn it was Shadow Anima. As the return to the train, they decide to make a more careful approach to the warehouses left, and make sure that there isn't any shadow anima in them.
Duke of Fort Forinthry
Interested in role-play? check out: The Quest Collective

30-Jan-2023 16:36:28 - Last edited on 05-Feb-2023 01:33:21 by Quael

Jan Member 2018


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Undeath Of A Salesman

The Bane-bringers, after extended train travel, arrived in Ardougne. Starting in the Undergrounds Pass, the brave priest of Hobrack slew a mighty beast before they all ventured to the surface to meet with Randton Q. Randton. He told them of Sherman's plans to steal a gem from an Auctioneer's storage. On the way they picked up an item for the peculiar gnome before finding the warehouse. The group had managed to take the gem from underneath Sherman's nose and had learned that his next move would be to retrieve the mask from Vampyrium. Randton agrees to alert them when Sherman sends out his elite troops. In doing so they can avoid detection from the local wildlife.

However, Olni received word from her father that the Dagannoths were attacking Relleka. With Tardif in tow, she sets out to help her people. In the meantime, the rest of the group waits for Sherman to make his move as the necromancer begins calling in some favors to bulk up his minions
Duke of Fort Forinthry
Interested in role-play? check out: The Quest Collective

05-Feb-2023 01:22:39 - Last edited on 12-Feb-2023 13:10:27 by Quael

Jan Member 2018


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Undeath Of A Salesman

After several days of helping around the farm, questing and recovering from previous injuries, the Bane-Bringers would be visited by Randton, who informs them that Sherman's zombies are on the move. They all travel the gate, minus a dwarven member who wish to avoid the risk of being exposed to the gate's magic and turn into a chaos dwarf. After five days of on foot travel, they would arrive to the World Gate first, and choice to hide within some large rocks on top of the cliff side.

Once Sherman's zombies arrived, one of them would dial the world gate, opening to Vampyrium. The group would follow in, soon in shock by this alien world. While hidden, they follow the zombies marching through the land, while also avoiding the Venators. Eventually, the group would find the zombies stopped and aimlessly searching around some ruined pillars.

With proper search, two o the group managed to locate the mask and retrieve it, but this awoken the guardian, a larger Venator. Thanks to their sorcerer casting invisibility on the mask retriever, the guardian would attack the zombies. This gives the group a chance to run, fleeing from the guardian and making it back to Gielinor.

But, it was not over. The gate was still open for the hulking Venator to jump through. In a panic, everyone tries to figure out the dial and how it works, only for Alevian, their Socerer/warlock took action and changed the gate's location under the order of "Saradomin". Changing the dial to Hallow, the home world of the Icyene.

After five more days of travel, they returned to the farm and handed the mask over to Randton for safe keeping. Now the group waits for words, while worried about Alevian, who grew paler and stronger thanks to "Saradomin."
Duke of Fort Forinthry
Interested in role-play? check out: The Quest Collective

12-Feb-2023 14:38:16

Jan Member 2018


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Dark's Requiem

While waiting for Randton to report, the group were greeted by a black knight by the name Kekfa, who requested that the group help locate his father's body, who was taken by a Necromancer. Kefk believed that the Necromancer attempts to summon a demon that soul is attached to his father.

The group accepted this, and ventured into the sewer of Ardougne, where they soon learn that there, the necromancer was preparing a Ritual. The Ritual summoned the demon, in where the group were forced to fight it. Upon defeat, another Shade, the brother of Kefk would arrive and deliver the killing blow to the necromancer, retrieving the body of his father.

The group was rewarded and thanked for their effort, returning to their position, waiting for Randton.
Duke of Fort Forinthry
Interested in role-play? check out: The Quest Collective

20-Feb-2023 05:31:15

Jan Member 2018


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[[The Final Deal]]

It has been a week since the group delivered the final artifact to Randton and all was quiet. That was until they were alerted to a fire in Ardougne, which upon investigating further found that Shady Sherman's local facility had been set ablaze. They found the charred merchant nearby and being tended to by medics where he revealed that something flew by and set fire to his building. Before he could continue he turned to ash, leading the group to speak to the one person who may know more: Randton. They found his dumpster suspiciously abandoned and with the cryptic message of [World Gate] painted on the side. With some help from a local cart driver they were able to reach the World Gate, and found both the gate and the surrounding area corrupted.

Enter the gate brought them to what appeared to be Freneskae (or a strange facsimile of it) where they were greeted by a transformed Randton. Using the power of the SPD (Super polymerization device) with the mask and gem stone as power, Randton had fused with a dragonkin skeleton. Despite an apparent internal conflict over whether to kill the party, Randton chose to fight the party believing that their souls would help him achieve [HEAVEN]. This forced the group to bring Randton to a divination crater to destroy as Randton was otherwise invincible. As he died, Randton became lucid enough to recognize his actions as wrong and apologized to the party, leaving behind his glasses for the group to take. The fake Freneskae began to fell apart leading to the group to flee to the gate, managing to return to Gielinor in time. They were then informed by a mysterious man named Rudolf of his involvement in Randton's descent into madness. After speaking to the party for a bit he departed, allowing everyone to have peaceful ride back to the farm.
Duke of Fort Forinthry
Interested in role-play? check out: The Quest Collective

26-Feb-2023 20:41:09

Jan Member 2018


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While inside their new manor, the Bane-Bringers were invited to speak with Harbinger, who wanted to learn from them having interest in them from their adventures, but mostly because of their half Icyene blood wanted to learn from the three Icyene in the group. When met, they learn that this Harbinger had taken over a prison within Misthalin and killed everyone in it, Guards and prisoners alike. This enraged the group, this caused them to attempt to arrest Harbinger, but instead Harbinger would reveal his power, showing that he could reveal the destruction of the prison to nearby citizens and blame them for killing everyone.

This forced the group to cooperate, agreeing with his request to teach them. Sadly, this not go anywhere as Harbinger only questions morality more and more. After completing a quest with them, the group would receive two letters, one from Samuel, who informs the group of Harbinger a bit to late, but has a plan to kill him, wanting to meet them, the second letter from a monk, who knows of Harbinger as well, wanting the group to help learn about them more, and find a way to seal them.

The group decided to split up and search for for the two option, if sealing proves too hard, they would kill him.
Duke of Fort Forinthry
Interested in role-play? check out: The Quest Collective

13-Mar-2023 10:37:39 - Last edited on 15-Mar-2023 12:16:46 by Quael

Jan Member 2018


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The Return of The Red Axe

After finally settling in a manor one of the Bane-Bringers "bought", a letter was sent for their Dwarven member, who is a Black Guard was ordered to return to Keldagrim, it was urgent. The Dwarf shared this news with everyone, realizing this might need their help if it is that important. Their Demon butler, Bradrerc, would gather everyone available, with only two members missing in action. After being informed about the letter, the group agreed to help, believing it is the right thing to do, while some are in for the money.

After gathering their things and preparing, they head towards the train station and bought a ticket to Keldagrim. When their train arrived, they witnessed how it had a larger majority of Dwarves than Humans, or Dorge-kaan goblins, they asked one of the dwarven passenger leaving about this, they reveal that the city's residents are feeling due to an terrorist attack, believing the H.A.M are responsible for it, some believing the trolls, while the Consortium informed them not to panic, a lot decided to flee.

This news would shock the group, wondering why the H.A.M now decided to strike the Dwarves, while it was assumptions, the group did not have a hard time believing that. Once boarded, they sat in a section together and started talking amongst themselves on the plan should the Consortium refuse their help. But, as they're discussing this, one of the members would notice a suspicious looking dwarf with a hood speed walking to the next cart. Said member would get up to follow them, informing the group he'll return. While following them, they reach a food cart, where the dwarf reach a dwarf wearing a red suit and a red in with a axe engraved on it on his suit collar.

Eavesdropping, he learns that they're part of this terrorist group, hearing them discuss about a device, and a phase two of a plan. Before he could leave, they shouted in dwarven, and a magical explosion happens! [Con]
Duke of Fort Forinthry
Interested in role-play? check out: The Quest Collective

19-Mar-2023 12:27:24

Jan Member 2018


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The Explosion turned the two, and other dwarves around them into Chaos Dwarves, the suited one ordered them to kill everyone in the name of Zamorak. The Chaos Dwarves would do as such, killing dwarves, goblins and humans alike with tools they can grab. The member that followed them would attack, trying to stop the two from turning the entire train into chaos dwarves. The battle was fierce, alone, he was lasting, but the two dwarves were too powerful for him, after lasting long enough, the group that are three carts away would finally see Chaos Dwarves coming in, Black Guards would attempt to fight the turned dwarves to prevent them from killing any more passengers, the group decided to split up, three to go ahead and help their member that left, and the rest to help the Guards.

Once the three arrived to help, the battle soon ended thanks to their quick thinking, suffering minor injuries. They decided to head back to check on the others, and help if needed.

The session was paused here, part two will come next week.
Duke of Fort Forinthry
Interested in role-play? check out: The Quest Collective

19-Mar-2023 12:34:02

Quick find code: 237-238-278-66262001 Back to Top