After the next few days, the group were tasked to search for the Right hand, known as the Rat to the henchmen. In their search, they figured out that the Rat's lair is within the sewer. Traversing into the sewer, they would fight their way through skeletons and zombies before reaching the Rat's lair. There, one of the party members attempted to deceive the Rat into thinking they are his allies. But this failed as the Rat had the ability to read their thoughts..
As they were getting surrounded, a ally rescued them and chased after the Rat, the group stayed behind to deal with the remaining guards. And after a long battle, they emerged victorious, but nearly defeated. When they met up with their ally, they soon learn that they had a demon possessing them, but doesn't seem like it was a threat, yet. They soon learn another of their party had something dark giving them their power, and another was hiding their true power and origin.
With the Rat Captured, the group now must take care of the Left hand, who is in charge of resources for the organization.
After investigating their next target, the group had located them, and went off to confront them. They learned that the crime boss of the district was selling orphans to an underground fight club. They also located one of the party member's thief, who stole their invention blue print. Splitting up, the majority continued to pursue their target, while the inventor went after the thief.
On the inventor side, they managed to locate a storage house containing his stolen devices, but created into a more dangerous type, where he destroyed the supply after discovering there were more warehouse across Gielinor.
The rest had a rough battle against their target, who had a few animated armors helping them. With a lot injured, and one knocked out cold, the group failed to bring back their target, as they committed suicide to prevent being interrogated for information.
The group now prepare themselves in search of the underground fight club before confronting the last boss before fighting the overlord.
After a few days of rest, or completing different tasks, the group went out to search for the children underground fight pit. They decided to check the church, to see if they run, or are partnered with an orphanage, which they do. A priestess by the name of Sister Abigail would inform the group that she had noticed missing children, at first she assumed they were adopted, but the numbers missing would increase and she would never see them afterwards. She recalls seeing one of them a day ago, but was too afraid to talk to her. She informs them that Fred (the child) could help them locate the missing kids.
Once found, Fred was convinced that the group were there to help. Fred gave them as much information as they can, where his brother was kidnapped and taken to the Eastern section of Varrock. The entire party would had there and locate the hideout. Together, they entered the pit and began to witness the children fight for the amusement audience members who were cheering the fight on. Two members, who were skilled in the arts of stealth, would together head towards the fight cage through a passage. They uncovered golds, secrets, and an old ally from the
Defenders of Gielinor.
The two then made their way towards the cages, where the freed those who were not sent to fight and those in the arena shortly after. This caused the guards to fight against the party members, trying to keep them from stopping the children from escaping. One of the stealth members would locate the ring leader and assassinate them.
After returning the children to the orphanage, they were given a bad news their quest giver, Captain Duster, was killed, as well as those living leaders they captured before. Luckily, the son of Leonardo is safe in a different location. With the death of Bane Duster, the group decides to honor his legacy and name themselves
After a few days on patience, the Bane-Bringer's ally had given them information on where the mouth could be. Their intel lead them to realize they were meeting with a familiar hooded figure that he recalls the Defenders of Gielinor facing. Berith, the ally, advices the group to be cautious, as this person was the cause of an war with several kingdoms.
The group went and searched the city for a black robed, golden masked figure. Once located, they followed him to an closed restaurant, where they met with the mouth, who was an old man, who the hooded figure realized was mind controlled. After freeing the old man, the Brain, who is revealed to be an civilian the Bane-Bringers once met. The hooded man was soon revealed to be the Necromancer who secretly took over Falador and caused a war against the world.
Before the group could do anything, the Necromancer had captured one of their party member, who soon got possessed by their patron, a being that the Necromancer was working for, before the edict kicked it out. The party were hopeless, seeing their ally possessed and being drained thanks to the Shadow Anima that the patron was releasing. The Necromancer was teleported away, and the group would soon feel better.
Half of their members would be either passed out or very week from the Shadow Anima energy leak, but they continued to take the mouth with them to gather intel from him. The come to realize that the old man was controlled for more than three months, and did not remember anything. This led to a dead end, until one of the party members suggested going to the Wizard tower and speaking to their old Mentor, believing that the
Memory wand
could help them, suggesting that the brain, even if controlled could have subconsciously recorded the situation, where they could gather some plans, information, and maybe pinpoint the whereabout of the Brain.
Four of them, who were able to withstand the Patron's toxic aura, would head to the tower with the Old man (named Franklin) via teleportation by Aubury. Once at the tower, they were assisted by Lucario, the group's sorcerer's former master. (To be continued)
While investigating Franklin's memory through the Memory wand, the others within Varrock would be resting up, patiently waiting for the four that are at the Wizard Tower. After awhile, they discussed on the issue of keeping their sorcerer's true patron a secret until they figure out more about it. Berith would soon arrive to inform them that Franklin wife is dead, and his daughter refuses to believe the situation her father is in.
Back to the Tower, they would start learning more on Franklin and Alexandra, the brain. They dig in further up to the point where they discovered her true plan, while they found a fragment of the stone of Jas, she plan on using it to invade Varrock's palace, take over and become the world's new Goddess. As they found this out, those in Varrock would hear an explosion coming from the palace.
As they rush towards the palace, those in the Tower are teleported back to Varrock, at the fountain, where they all catch up and meet up again. After discussing what they learn, they enter the palace prepared, and confront Alexandra, who claimed the throne room, from the fleeing king.
After a hard battle, wit ha few members being defeated, they finally brought down Alexandra, killing her. Berith would arrive with reinforcement, amazed at the groups' capability in defeating her, considering the power boost she had. One of the members would attempt to pocket the fragment, deciding it is best to be destroyed, only for King Roald to walk in, and request that the stone be handed over to Aubury, the city's Wizard.
Wanting Aubury to take it to the tower and seal it away, should they fail to discover a mean to destroy it without any consequences. After that, he rewarded the Bane-Bringers with gold, and access to their Lodestone, should the kingdom need them again. The group leaves, now champions of Varrock, heroes to the people.
The Banes-Bringers would be recruited by Siwa, a Dwarven Adventurers of the Black Guards, to help her with a quest given to her by Shady Sherman, a business man who she owes a debt to. Upon arriving to Sherman's office, he informs them that he lost contact with a business land in a old town that is within the mountain area east of Varrock. Agreeing to the Quest, they traveled to the town on a very fast wagon pulled by an ox.
There, while investigating, they find out that a group of Zamorakian had taken over the town as shelter, fleeing from the Zamorakian Civil War. From them, they learned that Shady Sherman is actually a necromancer, and the dead workers were his undead minions. Learning this, they head towards the final building after allowing the Zamorakians to flee. In the building, they learn that Sherman was working on a method to be immortal without the means of turning into a god, he seemed to have found a method.
The group now, after being paid and confronted by Sherman, who knew they found out, are now heading to Ardougne to find Sherman and bring a stop to his plan, should it be dangerous.