Do you believe (as almost all climate scientists do) that the climate change is a thing and we've had a part to play in that?
You mean climate scientists like Dr. Mickey Mouse?
Stop claiming that "almost all climate scientists agree" when it's not true. That's just a narrative being pushed by climate alarmists. Even NASA's own award winning climate scientists have stated that "there is no climate emergency".
Because whether we've had a small or huge impact on the climate (whichever side of the fence you sit), the climate is changing and we need to address it meaningfully.
The climate is ALWAYS changing... where has the Earth's climate EVER stayed the same? It hasn't. It goes through cycles.
But, for the sake of debate, let's pretend that humans have had an impact in raising the temperature 1 degree Fahrenheit over the last 100 years.
But, you know, your gas powered car, with it's emission controls and catalytic converter is the cause of the impact... not the massive fires and explosions that release more chemicals into the atmosphere than any city could produce on their own... and you're supposed to "take the blame" without question, and fork over money to various governments and organizations to "fight climate change"... the same way people brought their livestock as offerings to appease the gods for "good weather".
Did you know that every rocket sent into space burns approximately 11,000 pounds of fuel per second, roughly 2 million times the amount burned by the average car? Did you know that in 2022 the world sent a record number of almost 2200 rockets into space?