lmao it is a myth,
Go back in time, ask the ones that caused the ice age how they caused 'global freezing' than advance time a bit and ask in quote "what the heck did you do to cause it to melt?"
^see a cycle. "well Sir, it maybe was my 300k cows and other live stock, not to mention we had a 3x3 square mile fire to burn trees and brush to stay warm which was dug into a old frozen forest 6-9 miles down. " <---see how crazy this sounds?
Now poisoning your own air is way different to what you deem climate change/global warming.
Climate change is real to a detail, the name of it anyways "as humanity reaches overpopulation this earth will disrupt life with hurricanes/floods in attempts to restore this earth back."
^a cleaning cycle + waters the grounds, your houses just get the the way.
29-May-2023 19:35:23