I know the hockeystick curve was indeed fraudulent and that it can not be used as 'proof' for climate change. Even though it was peer-reviewed, the authors reviewed each others papers. Main point of this fraud was to get rid of the warm medieval period. There is historical evidence for this warm period, so a reconstruction should at least show this.
Still, even without the scientists behind the hockeystick curve you need to come up with some really good evidence to contradict the results of lots of research.
So far, it does not seem like the warming has stopped. Sceptics may point out that warming has indeed stopped and in doing so like to pick 1995 as starting year (which was a peak just before 1998) and 2008 (a bottom year) as ending year.
Picking 1992 and 2010 instead, you will notice that warming is still continuing.
I am not that kind of skeptic that indulges in fradulant behaviour like Micheal E. Mann and his collegues.
No one logical skpetic is denying that Earth is Warming. We are refuting the Chicken Little predictions made by the IPCC and promonient organazations and individuals.
I will say this:
CO2 is not a powerful greenhouse gas as the IPCC implys.
I am currently writing a scientific journal explaining the warming due to the methods. I do not accuse of Climatologists of further fraud, just not identifing a factor that should invalidate any records of instantious spikes and refute that 1998,2005 and 2010 are the hottest years in the past 150 years.
I will be publishing it in Late December and post the link to that paper in various skeptic and proponent websites. I do hope it reaches the IPCC level but that is unlikely.
21-Jul-2011 00:29:24