Total myth.
As Rooh has pointed out, there's more than an overwhelming amount of studies and actual "evidence" that we as humans have had a noticeable and measurable impact on our climate.
Yes, the planet goes through periods or warming and cooling over large periods of time but the average global temperature has increased dramatically in the last 100 years, even in the last 50 years - that's a tiny timeframe compared with natural heating and cooling over large time periods.
Gas burns off, where did the battery get buried? people need to think, money isn't everything, the lies are being found out one by one.
Gas burns off? Yeah, where? Into our atmosphere to never be used again, hence the fact that its non-renewable. When you reference batteries, what are you referring to? If you're referring to batteries in EVs that's a growing market, they can last for at least 200k-500k kilometres and even after that time, over 90% of the battery's materials are recyclable and can also be totally re-purposed.
Not to mention, vehicles running on gas are extremely inefficient with most of the energy being used is lost to waste heat rather than propulsion. That isn't the case with EVs.
So in the face of overwhelming evidence, your argument is simply... "it's a myth"? ... ok
Yes, the planet goes through periods or warming and cooling over large periods of time but the average global temperature has increased dramatically in the last 100 years, even in the last 50 years - that's a tiny timeframe compared with natural heating and cooling over large time periods.
What happened before that 100 years?
It seems like many people like to use a "tiny timeframe" as a means to omit previous climate changes.
I also like how you use the word "dramatically" in the sentence
the average global temperature has increased dramatically in the last 100 years, even in the last 50 years
to make it sound really serious, when in reality, you're talking around 1 degree Fahrenheit, and the whole reason the temperature went up... is because the temperature went down. It was hotter during the 1200's during the Medieval Warm Period than it is today, and then the temperature dropped down during the Little Ice Age, and then the temperature started rising again, around 1880... which is coincidently the point in time at which climate alarmists like to use as a starting point to compare temperatures.
NASA's own award winning climate scientists say there isn't a climate emergency:
Original message details are unavailable.
NASA award-winning climate scientist, Dr. Roy Spencer, presented "The Main Reasons Why There is No Climate Emergency" for part two of Friends of Science Society's 17th Annual Event on Jan. 19, 2021
Weird how "97% of scientists agree" in 2016 according to NASA, but in 2021, NASA's own award winning climate scientists are saying that there isn't a climate emergency.
Not to mention, vehicles running on gas are extremely inefficient with most of the energy being used is lost to waste heat rather than propulsion. That isn't the case with EVs.
That IS the case with EVs, except the majority waste heat is produced at the power plant, not in the vehicle. The typical fossil fuel plant is less than 50% efficient, and coal plants are around 35% efficient. Not only that, but there is massive energy loss in the transportation of electricity. Every time a step down or step up transformer is used in the grid, a loss of about 2% is present. There is also line loss. Depending on what statistics you're looking at, the losses are reported as being as high as 15% just during distribution.
You need to look at the bigger picture, instead of narrowly focusing.