• Have you experienced/witnessed any forms of discrimination against LGBT persons?
It's rare to go a day without seeing someone insulting gays. Turn off that gay music, dude thats gay and so on.
• What is your country/society's attitudes towards the LGBT community?
Either tolerance or its not normal dont allow it!!!, so divided.
• What are your opinions on Gay Marriage? Is it legal in your country?
I support it. I don't see the reason to why it should be forbidden. Not like Anna Nicole Smith married a billionare for love so don't see why gay people don't get the right. It's legal in sections not full throughout
• Do you believe that homosexuality is caused by genetics or environmental factors?
Born with it, how they're wired. Has nothing to do with environment in my eyes.
• Is there an adequate representation of LGBT in the media (including gaming industries)?
There is the serious lobbying for change version and then the sjw who is offended by everything and causes a mockery of the effort. I think its adequate but that some hurt the image of it. I wouldn't say they are without a voice.
• What're your views on gender-neutral bathrooms?
Don't really care, if theres a way that pleases all sides fine by me. I don't support allowing people to walk unobstructed in opposite bathrooms no questions asked. The law would not just affect them, but would endanger people and be a predators dream come true.
21-May-2017 04:18:23