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15-Jun-2019 00:47:35

Jan Member 2023


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Just my personal view on a single subject (pride), for whoever wants to read it:

My second father died five years ago. His name, Gustav. He died from a general organic failure, after dealing with drugs when he was at a younger age; he was raised by very conservative and religious parents, who didn't aprove his sexual orientation and was disowned by his whole family. He recovered after getting professional help and decided to live a life helping other people, first as a school teacher and then as a skilled hairdresser (he was that when he met my father). He was altruistic and had the single most charming smile on the whole planet. He also had the power to transform both women and men from gargoyles... into radiant magazine stars, using only his scissors and hair dryer :P

He loved my biological father as no one ever did, according to the one who married my mother and then divorced when I was 11 year-old. They were two men so united and loyal to eachother, fighting through life with a guidance of love and respect. Thanks to Gustav, I learned about the LGBT subject and he opened my mind and understanding of the world as a whole. I must say he taught me things that my biological father never did back in the day. Guess destiny had it written that way, and I'm thankful it happened.

Before dying, Gustav told me this:

...You know? I'm tired of humankind labeling and putting in different boxes every thought, every soul and every emotion. I wish one day people will forget about pride stuff, and just live their life in peace. In the end, it doesn't matter if you love a man, woman, a trans, even if you decide to be single all your life... love knows no orientation, calendar or almanac issue. Love is love, period. I'm just a man who loves your father. The best we can do is keeping it simple. That's true love. God wants all of us to be happy, doing no harm to others.

My father and I miss Gustav. He was a marvelous human being.
Wherever you are, Gus... Thanks.
Leveling +110 all skills and completing stuff here and there

17-Jun-2019 21:38:51

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