I. Hate. Squirrels.
Man, oh man, how I detest them damned vermin. They're seriously interfering with every move we make in bird feeding. Even if they can't get at the food, they hang around making a fuss and scaring away the birds who would be there, or they chew through strings & wires suspending stuff, or fling themselves off the roof or branches in the hope of an aeriel assault.
And they dozy old fart next door is encouraging them even more by laying out food on the floor for them, and scattering it out into the road to attract them from far and wide.He thinks they are "cute". Cute. They're bloody RATS that live in trees.
Apart from chewing through £50 of solar light wiring so far, they have now started chewing on the fence-mounted armoured cable serving the fishpond pumps. Although, it'd be worth needing to call in a Sparks just to see one of the b8888's fry.
*deep breath* rant over
Wren parents with gaggle of fledgelings down this morning. They are so ridiculously teensy-weensy.
Le Chat Guerrier
Bwian's Towel & Grief Shop