I never gave bird watching any thought until my girlfriend, a fellow animal lover, put a couple feeders in my yard last year. Now, I'm more into it then even she. It's something we look forward to in the winter, because in Maryland(US), we don't see too many birds in the summer, apart from Hummingbirds. I've hung a suet feeder high in a tree that's in our yard, bought another feeder for the other side of the house, even bought an identification book for North American birds.
Normal visitors include:
Woodpeckers(Red-Bellied, Downy, Hairy) No Pileated yet; upset.
Clingers(Nuthatch) White Breasted is my Favorite; nicknamed "Hatchy"
Rufous Sided Towhee, I love the way he 'kicks' through the leaves. Pretty badass.
Tufted Titmice, Cardinals, Finches, Sparrows, Black-Capped Chickadees
Blue Jay(Rarely), Red-Winged Blackbird
And of course we have a few unwanted visitors: Squirrels that jump up on the feeders, and a hawk that preys on all the birds. Luckily the hawk doesn't come too often and the feeders are near a large set of bushes perfect for cover.
20-Nov-2014 02:40:56