Could be! Shame you didn't see it though they are very colourful birds when you look at them and fun to watch. Very noisy when disturbed in woods too lol.
Things to try remember are size in comparison to a bird you know well
such as:
similar to a robin
like a blackbird
woodpigeon size
then any colours at all
and also where
so if you saw a bird that was small like a robin and had some yellow on it in your garden
you could narrow it down to great ***/blue *** and then if still unsure look out for it next time for more details such as colour of its head.
or if you got down to a very rare bird that is usually ***d somewhere totally different and one that is found fairy often go for the more likely one unless dead sure.
For instance a wagtail that was yellow all over could be a yellow wagtail but you might also think it looks like a citrine wagtail. Unless sure it was more likely to be a yellow one.
If out and about watching it is good practice to take a little notebook so you can make rough sketches and note down things about it: colour, size, how it feeds, how it moves. Pretty much anything at all. I admit I don't do this as much as I should!
Don't be shy about posting anything you've seen at all as I like to read it regardless and may be able to point you in the right direction, unless it is something I've never seen in which case I'll cry.
26-Oct-2014 15:56:27