Very nice sightings! There were a few Red-tailed hawks around here in late spring but have since moved on. This area is probably a bit to urban for them to make there home here long term.
I happened to see the turkey hen with her three chicks, who are now young adults, again today. They gave onlookers quite the show while they dug in the dirt under some picnic tables, laid down in the loose soil & lifted the dirt over their bodies with their wings (a dirt bath).
A stray cat happened to show up to watch too & took an interest in the chicks but turkey hen wasn't having any part of that, puffed her feathers up & chased the cat away.
Stray cats are a problem for wildlife all over the world. I read a article recently where the RSBP removed all of the cats on the Ascension Island (UK Overseas Territory). The RSBP worked 10 years on this project to get rid of the cats on that island in order to allow the Ascension frigatebirds to reclaim their island home to nest there once again.
I have never seen the Ascension frigatebird but I do have several pictures of the Magnificent Frigatebird that I took a few years ago.
If you know which tree the owl might be in you can go out in the day with your binoculars to look for where it is nesting (perched). It might take awhile to see what kind of owl it is since owls are camouflage experts, (kinda like the alien in the Alien vs Predator film).
It was a Tawny Owl. I did look the next day, but like you say they are well camouflaged. No obvious signs to suggest it goes there regularly either.
Might be trying to establish a territory in the area so will be listening out, I'm fairly confident on where some roost ( a neighbours garden just up the road).