Mummy Starling came down with her 3 fledgelings. Voracious little brutes - it's costing us a fortune in those fat squares with the seeds & insects in.
Particularly since we have
woodpeckers chomping their way through it too. I'm not sure if they are greaters or lessers. One has a little red cap, the other doesn't, although they are both about the same size (blackbird-size maybe a bit bigger).
I'm pretty sure they have separate nests as they fly off in exactly different directions.
Plus the usual gang of robins, ****, finches etc. I wonder if they'll bring their young into the garden. The bird bath is very popular at the moment and it's amusing to watch the big fat Lancaster Bomber woodpigeons flapping about like crazy, sloshing it everywhere.
Looking forward to maybe getting a few days out and about during the Summer, if Mister Weazle ever gets any time off work when he hasn't got to do "something important in the shed".
17-May-2014 19:53:01