

Quick find code: 23-24-1-64115821

Nov Member 2005


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Damn you're lucky. There's just common ole tweeters around here mostly :(

Hoping to get up to Bewl Water in a month or so, might get to see some water fowl. Probably not much else, the walkers scare them away I guess.

10-Apr-2014 23:12:49

Jul Member 2019


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A lot of towns will have their own websites for bird sightings, which is only way I'd have found out about them being there. Quick search and you could regognise some of the place being talked about, but probably best not taking dogs with you as birders can get a bit upset, especially this time of year.

Might be teal, great crested grebe, little grebe, tuffted duck. I'd look out for Goldeneye males are like tuffted ducks but no tuft and have a white patch under the eye. Females will have an brown head and a greyish body. Plus you never know what else might be lurking about.

11-Apr-2014 18:39:57

Jul Member 2019


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Notable Species

Although passage periods and winter are undoubtedly the best times for birds at Bewl Water, Great Crested Grebe and Little Grebe are present all year as well as Canada Goose, Mallard, Common Pochard and Tufted Duck with Common Teal also sometimes present through the summer.

In recent years the numbers of Great Cormorant have increased and this is now virtually a resident species. In woods and farmland around the reservoir there are Common Kestrel and Eurasian Sparrowhawk, Tawny Owl, Green Woodpecker and Great Spotted Woodpecker. Summer visitors include Turtle Dove, Spotted Flycatcher and warblers such as Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Whitethroat, Blackcap and Garden Warbler.

Like other reservoirs in southern England, Bewl Water is now a regular stop-over site for passage Osprey with at least four appearing most autumns and one or two each spring. Northern Hobby is another regular passage raptor but other species are rare. Garganey is also a rare but regular passage visitor.

The banks of Bewl Water are not ideal for waders but small numbers of Little Ringed Plover, Greenshank and Common Sandpiper and Green Sandpiper are regularly attracted in spring and autumn.

Winter at Bewl Water brings Eurasian Wigeon, Gadwall and Common Teal to join the thousands of Canada Goose, Mallard and Eurasian Coot. Common Pochard and Tufted Duck occur in smaller numbers with a few Northern Shoveler, Northern Pintail and Common Goldeneye.

Good luck on their being an Osprey!

11-Apr-2014 19:00:43

Jul Member 2019


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Evening walk today:

Three Song Thrush in same areas as seen on previous walks, terrirtory established here is hoping for breeding success. A pair of Mistle Thrush milling about as well which was a good sight as I've not noticed them for over a week so will keep an eye on that area.

The main reason I went out though was for owls, and shortly before arriving home I heard Barn Owl and Tawny owl calls were fairly near so I had a scan of the trees on that area but couldn't see anything. My keen sight however picked out a fence post that appeared to be slightly taller than the others and upon closer inspection revealed a Little Owl perched on top. With us doing the roof at home I climbed up the scaffolding with my scope and watched it hunt till it became too dark for the distance. I'll have a walk in those trees during the day this weekend and look for any signs of owls and hopefully there will be a snoozing owl at the top of the tree.

15-Apr-2014 20:55:12

Jul Member 2019


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Highlights of the past weekend:

Bar Tailed Godwit was there on Monnday but I spent over an hour and didn't see it... bout an hour after I'd gone it revealed itself again.... Anyway I got it on Tuesday :)

On the Monday again 3 Black necked Grebes to make up for the missed bar wit

And on Satuday a Bittern in flight twice! All those hours I spent a couple of years ago on "Bittern watch" paid off lol. Managed to get the others in the hide looking in the right area after the first brief flight of 10seconds or so, and then 5mins later she was up for a nice flight giving enough time for the others to see it. When you are the only person who sees something you can guarantee others will be thinking you didn't :P

25-Apr-2014 21:54:16 - Last edited on 29-Apr-2014 22:31:32 by Wilf

Jul Member 2019


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I have received emails back from three although 2 were the same copy paste response, but I don't blame them as I bet they'll be getting a lot worded very similarly and assuming what they say is correct they continue to question the commissioner and are currently awaiting a response one also sent notes from previous meetings where they had raised the issue which was nice.

Also annoyed as I missed some decent birds yesterday due to time constraints :(

29-Apr-2014 22:35:17 - Last edited on 29-Apr-2014 22:35:27 by Wilf

Nov Member 2005


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I'll have to look that one up, no idea what it looks like even !

Nothing exciting here, except our woodpecker comes down a lot now and doesn't fly away the very second it spots us.

Do Hedgehogs count? Their spines could be modified feathers :P First one ever in the garden last night. Terrified dogs scattered in all directions.

04-May-2014 10:33:39

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